Please Help Me Debunk This Theory
Blender Dumbass
October 11, 2023👁 74 : 👁 1's_Race : 👁 1 : 👁 1
I know that philosophy is not a science. Because it is about what we cannot know, as some smart people out there say. But I've got here a philosophical theory which I want you to debunk. The theory is something I truly believe in, and therefor I'm biased towards it. So I suppose you could be better at debunking it, since you are not me.
The theory goes like this:
Given the definition of "Freedom" as: Control over one self and things belonging to one self. Even if the problem has no known solution. Anything considered a problem to one self is in essence a lack of freedom of some kind.
I want you to debunk it because if there is a scientific test that you can come up with that will test this theory, and the theory passes, then it is probably a fact. But for this test to exist the theory should be debunk-able. Although I fear that it is similar to religion or conspiracy theories. Where there is no test that can be good enough. And therefor the theory is only worth philosophical discussion that leads ultimately nowhere concrete.
If the theory is true, then the following should also be true:
If there is any solvable problem, it ought to be solved by removing the lack of freedom that created the problem in the first place.
Reasoning for the theory
Time and time again I see problems in the world that in this or that way seem to have some kind of relationship with freedom of some kind.
Malicious Software Features are closely linked with a
lack of freedom of the user to control what features the software has and what it hasn't. Every law in a good country is there to protect some kind of freedom, even if it is not obvious at a glance. Rape is illegal because rape is a direct violation of freedom. Murder is illegal because people do not want to die. And so every problem a person has should be something a person doesn't want. And therefor it is a lack of freedom. It is not necessarily a violation of such freedom. Because it's not necessarily anybodies fault. But it is a lack of freedom.
Say somebody is upset about not being able to live on Mars. At the current stage of our technology it is impossible. In future, maybe. But now there no way to live on Mars. And this person has a problem with it. And if you think about it, it is nobodies fault that we can't get to Mars yet. Nobody was malicious to make it harder to get to Mars. But it is still a lack of freedom. This person desires to be on Mars. But can't. He has no freedom to choose if he will be on Mars or not.
But this kind of example is in a way boring. Yesterday I talked with my girlfriend about this and the proof that I came up with that she liked the most was about School Shootings. About which I written
an article some time ago, which actually lead me to this theory in the first place.
The proof goes like this: Because the shooter wants to traumatize and shock people as much as possible, he chooses children as his victims. And the schools are places always full of children and they are there in predictable hours. Which makes schools an easy target. But why are children in schools? And why are they there in predictable hours? Well, because of the law that tells that they should be there in those predictable hours. Therefore kids do not have freedom to say "no" to a school. And therefor this is a problem of freedom.
I could prove the theory in a different way. I could say that the problem is in that it is murder and those children do not want to die, therefor the shooter takes their freedom away by shooting them. But while this proves my theory it does not give a solution to the problem. And therefor the proof is not as satisfactory.
If there is a solution, we should look for a lack of freedom to solve.
In the example of school shootings the proposed solutions that various political parties propose, both have an effect to reduce freedom. Both might have worked. But there always seems to be a solution which increases freedom instead. And why should we choose anything else then?
Here is one more example, also related to children. There is a problem of children being abused in one way or another ( mostly the media only cares about the sexual abuse, while completely ignoring other types of abuse. I will focus on all abuse. ). One solution that a lot of countries propose is to ban end-to-end encryption.
An article about which I already written as well. This is a solution that reduces freedom further.
Let's go over the justifications for the solution. With end to end encryption various people that want to abuse children can plan their actions in secrecy and talk to the children themselves in secrecy. To lure them into a situation of abuse. Therefor to reduce end to end encryption is to end this kind of planning and luring activity.
There is also a side-issue for illegal pornography, but that is more to do with children's privacy, not with direct abuse. And reducing privacy for the sake of privacy does not make any sense what so ever.
To see how this could be solved instead by increasing freedom we have to ask ourselves a few questions. Could end to end encryption be used to prevent abuse? And why this luring tactic works in the first place?
For the first question, the answer is yes. If a child is being in an abusive situation, end to end encryption can be very useful to communicate with law enforcement or any other party that can act to rescue the child from the abuser. Without the abuser being able to know or read the conversations. Even if the abuser is a hacker of some kind. Therefor there should be more secure channels, especially accessible to children. So they could talk to somebody they trust about something they do not like. This solution also work in a system where some level of corruption is present. And protects the child more adequately.
On the other hand with reduced privacy online the security of the child is also reduced. For example, a child might communicate with somebody who they trust about day to day things, on a chat which is not properly encrypted. And an abuser therefor might have a potential access to this chat, and use it to plan an abuse. The child might communicate things like where she is or where she plans to be. And an abuser might use this information against the child's security. Therefor reducing encryption might only harm more.
On the other hand, with adequate privacy, more security is possible. Perhaps the abuser is one of the parents. Or even worse, perhaps the abuser is a member of law enforcement. In which case, there should be a way to talk a third party, somebody that a child trusts, which is not a parent and not a member of law enforcement. Which would only be possible with adequate protections of privacy. Meaning more end to end encryption and other techniques to make communications more private, like self-deleting messages, and so on.
This brings us to the second question. How is this that communication of an abuser with the child leads to abuse? In my opinion it is a lack of experience. And what is the best way to get experience now a days? Apart from doing something for real? Well, by communicating with people. By having access to information. By being told scary stories.
Children are under heavy censorship. Which makes them naive about the world. So the second problem that could be fixed here is related to freedom of speech. So children would have access to information and therefor to experience. So they could recognize when something in malicious and say "no" to it. And perhaps also communicate with somebody else about it, to make it stop way before it become an issue.
If we further this thought, any problem of any kind, if it is solvable, there should be a solution that provides people with more freedom, not less.
Please try to debunk my theory in the comment section below!
Happy Hacking!!!
Enemy of the State 1998 is very relevant for today
Blender Dumbass
👁 11 💬 0
The passing of
Gene Hackman made me interested in the actor again, and then I saw that he made a movie with
Tony Scott, from
Jerry Bruckheimer about surveillance. Recent fascination of mine with
Michael Bay and stuff related to him, like the fact that a lot of the style of Bay came almost directly from Tony Scott. And the fact that Bay worked with Bruckheimer in the time this movie was released. And the fact that the star of
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Enemy of the State. All of that made it inevitable that I should check the movie out.
#EnemyOfTheState #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon #TonyScott #WillSmith #GeneHackman
The Vast Of Night
Blender Dumbass
👁 42 💬 0
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Supporting Richard Stallman's Political Discourse On Sex
Blender Dumbass
👁 86 💬 2
I have been given a goldmine link by Beans which is an article from a Free Software enthusiast Drew DeVault on his distaste towards Richard Stallman's views on sex. I will be criticizing Drew DeVault's views while supporting Richard Stallman's.
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