This article is an exercise in poetic form.
There is a problem which requires a problem to solve. There is a freedom to obtain by loosing some freedom. And yet while it's counter-intuitive to some people, what you loose really is not really that which is freedom. Rather it is convenience that which you have to loose. And instead you will get other forms of convenience.
The trade-off is quite on the nose with the Libre-JS. From one side you have the freedom to load all websites. And quite frankly Libre-JS doesn't take that away. You can simply whitelist websites by pressing a button. From the other side Libre-JS blocks most of the sites.
But even then it's not the website itself that is blocked. But rather off they are gone those non-libre J-asses. Yes, most sites will break if you block their nasty java-script. But yet the nasty java-script is nasty java-script. Libre-JS is there to teach you to stay far from those. And there to help you to find good alternatives for them.
Well you will I guess ask me then: Well how does it all work? Let's demonstrate the simplicity of Libre-JS. For example you want to load the youtube dot com. You type the URL in the address bar and press go. And what you see is a bunch of those gray squares everywhere. Libre-JS had just blocked you the nasty java-script. And you were left with a bunch of those gray squares everywhere. So what you do is you close the tab and go looking for... You go looking for alternatives to youtube dot com. And you eventually find invidious like that. Which is like youtube dot com but is not nasty at all. You go to odysee dot com and find librarian. You want to go to reddit dot com and get to teddit. You go to a news website and read the text normally. Well, since most news articles are in HTML still. Libre-JS had just blocked you the nasty java-script. HTML and the article are not whats nasty.
There is a problem which requires a problem to solve. There is a freedom to obtain by loosing some freedom. And yet while it's counter-intuitive to some people, what you loose really is not really that which is freedom. Rather it is convenience that which you have to loose. And instead you will get other forms of convenience.
Happy Hacking! ( is what I have to tell you in the end )