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There Might Be Delay In My Activity

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

July 25, 2024

👁 51

https://blenderdumbass.org/articles/mother_was_arrested_or_what_ : 👁 1
https://blenderdumbass.org/articles/the_impossible_task_of_famousing_myself : 👁 1
https://blenderdumbass.org/articles/libre_games_and_making_money:_introducing_petitions : 👁 1

For the LibrePlanet 2024 I was preparing very hard to make a very good presentation. This meant that I had to be absent from my job. After the presentation I volunteered to help editing the conference to insure that the recording of my presentation was published in the best possible way. Which was, in my opinion a right thing to do, since they didn't have a good recording of the slides, due to technical stuff. And I was able to spot this mistake and recreate the slides for the recorded part of the presentation. I did that not only for my own presentation. But for the entire "Neptune room". Which had 10 presentations.

Me being absent from work for so long meant that I was fired. Which was not something I thought was too terrible, because it was relatively simple to get a job. Or so I thought. Since that time I was struggling to keep myself afloat. I got one job in that period of time which I was fired from because of a very stupid technicality. One month the rent for my living space was paid by my dad. I cannot ask him to repeat this. He also provided me with food. I was even visiting a place where they feed near-homeless and homeless people for a penny. All of this was temporary for me since I knew that I had plenty of time in July to find a job and get myself back together. It is not anymore possible.

At the moment of me typing this I have 20 ILS in my wallet. Which is about $5.5. And I also have 20 British pounds scattered all around my living space. This was my idea of making myself waste less money on food and energy drinks, to which I am addicted.

There are only 5 days left in this month. And I went to job interview after job interview. From Hotel Reception, to Fast Food and Supermarkets. Nobody wants me. I realize that I may need to be homeless for some time. Which may result in me not being able to publish much new updates for a while.

How long? I don't know. If I will be able to figure this situation out, maybe there will not be any pause what so ever. But my gut tells me that I will loose the apartment and probably all of my gear. I will probably will no longer have the computer I'm writing this from, since it's a stationary type and not a laptop. And I cannot walk around with it on the street.

I may also never recover and die on the street. Which is real possibility. If the situation will become truly desperate I may need to commit a small crime to be taken away into prison for a months or two. Which will give me food and shelter at least of some kind.

But that does not mean that the projects I am making are stopped. It just means that I may not physically be able to continue them for a while. And unless I die I will try to get to a point where I can continue them.

If you see Dani's Race new update published without a goal. This probably means that I'm about to go to the street.

Happy Hacking!!!

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[icon reviews]Dune ( the book ) is an obvious alegory on Israel in the middle east



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 28 💬 0

I is very funny to me when I'm watching Dune adaptations, that nobody seems to get that "Kwizatz Haderah" is actually קפיצת הדרך in Hebrew. The same Kwitzatz Haderah on the language of the desert people, Fremen, is instead Lisan Al Gaib, which is roughly translatable from Arabic لسان الغيب as the tongue of the unseen godlike supernatural power, or something.

[icon petitions]Release: Dani's Race v2025-03-17



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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 34 💬 0

Dani's Race version 2025-03-17

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #UPBGE #blender3d #project #petition #release

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