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Are You Sure That You Remember

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

September 16, 2023

👁 28

https://blenderdumbass.org/books : 👁 3

Unfinished book about future where freedom is established much better than today. If we look few hundred years into the past, people had less freedom than people have now. So optimistically in future people will even more freedom. Thought, it doesn't mean that the characters will live a care-free problem-free life. Quite the contrary. With freedom comes responsibility. With freedom comes a huge amount of strange situations. And of course, there is the obvious question. How the hell people sell things in the future?

Since the book is unfinished, all I have for now is the few source files.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 59 💬 0

It seems like United States of America has a unique problem related to guns. I certainly don't remember being taught at school in Israel or earlier in Ukraine about how to survive a potential gun shooting by a rouge student or other kind of terrible person. Here in Israel they do point us to the direction of a bomb shelter. So we would know where to run when a siren is heard. But that's about it.

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