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I'm Not Even Human

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

September 14, 2023

👁 92

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A story about a child in a time when children are Not Even Human anymore.

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Note: Since the release I've added a second CC-BY-SA license.

I'm Not Even Human is my first finished movie. Before that I had all kinds of projects and never finished them. Technically speaking I did finish a few directing works before I'm Not Even Human. Which includes a music video about which I don't want to talk about ( it's cringe ). And a small charity work that I did for a local synagogue. But I'm Not Even Human is my first actual finished narrative work that you can call a movie. Knowing that you can see I'm Not Even Human and think that it's maybe, actually quite okay. Thought, at this point I'm more of an opinion that I could do a lot better in a lot of areas.

This movie took me 3 years to produce. Thought, knowing my procrastinating nature, you can deduce that I could do that in far less of a time. And seeing the quality of the finish product confirms this deduction.

Making of documentary

Thought the message in the film is still quite strong I suppose and worth spreading despite the quality of the movie.

The film was released on June 1st 2018.

There is a game project based on the story and the characters of I'm Not Even Human.

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An info-graphic talking about the evils of proprietary software and how Free Software can help against it.

[icon reviews]Bones And All



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It is very hard to describe the style of Luca Guadagnino, the director of Bones And All. His films are very good. But it seems like he is not interested in plot, which is weird, considering that the movies are good. He is famous for his erotic dramas, films centered around a sexual tension between people, like his perhaps most acclaimed movie Call Me By Your Name, in which all the substance comes from very subtle things. A character looks a certain way on another character. Or perhaps holds onto another character's hand for way too long. And you have to piece together all these little clues to even start feeling some kind of presence of a plot. Because if you don't pay attention it all looks like people just casually hanging out. And then suddenly a payoff happens, which would make sense only if you paid attention to the little clues.

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