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Strange and Interesting movies

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

September 15, 2023

👁 35

https://blenderdumbass.org/forum : 👁 4

I will start this forum with:

Sátántangó ( a film I didn't yet see ) a Hungarian film that is longer than 7 hours.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 25 💬 0

I decided to give myself somewhat of a Ryan Gosling marathon, after re-watching Drive the other day. I gave myself a challenge though. I didn't want to watch the stuff I already like. I didn't want "Only God Forgives" ( which I will review soon ). I didn't want "Blade Runner 2049". I wanted something else. Something that I personally would not select normally. And therefor I put Crazy, Stupid, Love.

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