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January 06, 2024

👁 46

It is very strange to me that this is the first time I review anything by Nicolas Winding Refn here. I love this director and his style a lot. The movie Drive is perhaps the best introduction of him that you could ever get. It is his fastest paced movie ( apart from maybe Bronson ). He likes to be very slow. Drive is paced more or less like a normal film. That is why, if you want to start getting yourself into Nicolas Winging Refn I would recommend starting from Drive.

Drive was conceived as a normal Hollywood mid budged action film. But a few directors later Nicolas Winding Refn stepped on board and made a masterpiece. He almost completely removed the action parts of this cars movie. There is action in Drive. And surprisingly Nicolas is very good at action. Though he is not very interested in it.

The movie is a dramatic love story set in the world of crime. The main protagonist ( played by Ryan Gosling ) is a criminal. He finds a girl who he really loves, but she is married to another criminal. And more criminals want that other criminal to pay them, so the protagonist needs to help the husband of his girlfriend to do a job which goes very wrong.

This is a roller-coaster of empathy and emotions set in the world of psychopaths. The protagonist is a sad person. His love never manifests itself more than a kiss. But he goes into danger and bleeds to near death for her, to be a real human being and a real hero.

This movie is gorgeous to look at, if you can excuse some very ugly gore. Nicolas Winding Refn doesn't see colors as vividly as we do, so he tends to over-saturate his movies, so he himself could enjoy them. In Drive it is not yet that strong. Later he went insane with saturation. But because Drive is more saturated than most films, it is a beautiful movie to behold. Refn also knows how to move a camera in just the right way to give your eyes an orgasm.

Nicolas Winding Refn is a kind of artist filmmaker. He is not making expensive films and he is not going for enormous box office. His films tend to be rather strange. Rather slow. Rather unsettling with ideas. He likes a buildup before a very gruesome scene. He equates this kind of tension to sex. Saying that the best part is the buildup. He is very horny. His films tend to have sexually questionable characters. A lot of perverts. A lot of killers. Drive is not an exception.

What sets Drive apart from the rest of Refn's filmography is that it is based on a concept that wasn't Refn's. It was originally supposed to be a normal action film. He just brought his style over to it to create a mesmerizing masterpiece of a movie.

It sounds as if I am sucking Refn's cock a bit too much in this review. And some people find his work rather off putting or confusing or both. But I spent so much time re-watching his movies and enjoying them on some kind of visceral level that I think if you will do that for as long as I did it, you will start sucking Refn's cock yourself. He is so good.

Happy Hacking!!!

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[icon music]The Pentas



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Pentas are 5 gong-style round drum-things which are used to play simple melodies. Each one of those is one note in a scale called the Pentatonic scale. If you take the modern western scale with it's 7 notes (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si). The pentatonic scale is the best sounding 5 of those (Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La). The easiest way of achieving the pentatonic scale on a piano would be to play only the black keys. Also the pentatonic scale is quite popular with beginner guitarists. It's rather simple on a fret-board and gives a nice sounding solo when improvising. The Pentas - being my second album, was still recorded during my time learning the guitar. So I used a lot of the pentatotic scale in it. Thought quite frankly, knowing about the other two notes (Fa and Si) I added them quite often still.

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