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Lars and the Real Girl

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

January 14, 2024

👁 24

It was very nice to have a marathon of Ryan Gosling movies, because I stumbled upon this unique masterpiece. Lars and the Real Girl is a story about a sad relationship. About a man named Lars and his girl named Bianca who is sick and getting worse and worse with every passing day. The twist is, Bianca is actually a live sized sex doll.

There are people in the real world who have sexual relationships with inanimate objects. Some even marry them. This movie is a deep psychological dive into one such person. And this person is wonderfully portrayed by Gosling.

You know there are pretty much 2 types of Gosling. The one from Drive, where he is a serious man that doesn't talk much. And the one from Crazy, Stupid, Love where he is a charismatic, witty person that is very good at comedy. Here he is both in the same time, while none of it. Lars if is a character of his own. He is insecure and awkward, but it comes out as funny at times. It is a kind of role that I can't imagine anyone pulling off. But then there is Gosling with his magic.

The director of the film Craig Gillespie knows exactly what he is doing. This film is not trying to be flashy. But that's kind of the point. And Craig knows how to not be in your face with his directing. He disappears. And you are in the story with Lars and Bianca and other characters. But it doesn't mean that he isn't good. I cried very fucking hard in the end of the movie. This means that he is very good at his job. It's just that he is not trying to setup things to show off.

This film has a weird kind of feeling to it. There are seemingly no antagonists. Which is interesting. And there is a sense that everybody is acting as if they are younger than they are. Like people at the office might be playing with toys and having very serious arguments about toys. And stuff like that. This is very strange. But I guess it adds to the atmosphere. It makes the movie a bit uncanny. And I like it.

Happy Hacking!!!

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

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This is kind of both an update on my current financial state and also a deep dive into philosophy and the ethics of money itself. As you maybe know I am struggling with even basic necessities at the moment. And I might get kicked out of the house. I have a lot more hope now than I had before that. I still don't exactly know how I will pay the rent this months. But judging by my father's tone when he spoke to me about it. It seems like it should not be a problem. I will probably write a proper update ones I get out of this mess.

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