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[icon fc]Blender


To replace Adobe Premiere you can use Blender since it respects the user's freedom and is also a Video Editor software.

Also it reads 5 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: STL, MP4, MP3 and DV and saves to 2 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: MP4 and AVI.

[icon internet] Documentation [icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website [icon internet] Wikipedia

[icon fc]Kdenlive


To replace Adobe Premiere you can use Kdenlive since it respects the user's freedom and is also a Video Editor software.

Also it reads 3 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: MP4, AVI and MOV and saves to 3 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: MP4, AVI and MOV.

[icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website [icon internet] Wikipedia

[icon fc]Olive


To replace Adobe Premiere you can use Olive since it respects the user's freedom and is also a Video Editor software.

Also it reads 3 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: MP4, AVI and MOV and saves to 3 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: MP4, AVI and MOV.

[icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website [icon internet] Wikipedia

[icon fc]VideoLAN Movie Creator


To replace Adobe Premiere you can use VideoLAN Movie Creator since it respects the user's freedom and is also a Video Editor software.

Also it reads 3 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: MP4, AVI and MOV and saves to 3 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: MP4, AVI and MOV.

[icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website

[icon fc]GNU Image Manipulation Program


To replace Adobe Premiere you can use GNU Image Manipulation Program since it respects the user's freedom and reads 11 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: EPS, GIF, JPG and ICO and saves to 1 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: TIFF.

[icon internet] Website [icon internet] Source code [icon internet] FSD [icon internet] Wikipedia [icon internet] Documentation

[icon fc]FreeCAD


To replace Adobe Premiere you can use FreeCAD since it respects the user's freedom and reads 9 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: CSV, GIF, ICO and JPG and saves to 1 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: TIFF.

[icon internet] Documentation [icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website [icon internet] Wikipedia

[icon fc]Krita


To replace Adobe Premiere you can use Krita since it respects the user's freedom and reads 8 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: CSV, EXR, GIF and HEIF and saves to 2 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: EXR and TIFF.

[icon internet] Website [icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Wikipedia [icon internet] Documentation

[icon fc]Inkscape


To replace Adobe Premiere you can use Inkscape since it respects the user's freedom and reads 8 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: GIF, ICO, JPG and PNG.

[icon internet] Documentation [icon internet] FSD [icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website [icon internet] Wikipedia

[icon fc]UPBGE


To replace Adobe Premiere you can use UPBGE since it respects the user's freedom and reads 5 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: STL, MP4, MP3 and DV and saves to 2 of the same formats as Adobe Premiere such as: MP4 and AVI.

[icon internet] Documentation [icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website

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