J.J. Abrams
, the director of Super 8 doesn't make a lot of original movies. From Mission Impossible to Star Trek and Star Wars he seems to get hired to do very expensive films for big franchises. That is why Super 8 is such a rare Gem. And the interesting thing is, with how good Super 8 is, I can't understand why he doesn't make more original movies. It just doesn't make any sense.
The movie keeps a good level of tension throughout, slowly rising it towards the tension crescendo in the end. The ending though reminds me more of the film within the film called "The Case" made by the children in the film Super 8 by J.J. Abrams
which Spielberg produced. It is a bit cheesy but it's fine.
In 2011 after falling in love with a little movie about kids my age that make movies, called "Super 8", I thought a lot about the way the director of that movie Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
spells his name. He does it like this - J. J. Abrams
. So I though why can't I spell my name the same way? So I took a paper and spelled J. Y. Amihud. And I loved how it looked. So since then, it's my name.