Speaking about the style of J.J. Abrams
, this movie has probably the best use of his signature lens flair. In some films he did, the lens flair is distracting. Here it is so well integrated into the imagery that I cannot think of this movie without the lens flairs.
The movie keeps a good level of tension throughout, slowly rising it towards the tension crescendo in the end. The ending though reminds me more of the film within the film called "The Case" made by the children in the film Super 8 by J.J. Abrams
which Spielberg produced. It is a bit cheesy but it's fine.
In 2011 after falling in love with a little movie about kids my age that make movies, called "Super 8", I thought a lot about the way the director of that movie Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
spells his name. He does it like this - J. J. Abrams
. So I though why can't I spell my name the same way? So I took a paper and spelled J. Y. Amihud. And I loved how it looked. So since then, it's my name.
It should not be a surprise that I clicked on an hour long interview between James Cameron, J.J.
Abrams and Steven Spielberg. What was a surprise though, was what they said. I bookmarked the section in my browser, here is the link.