The story of RRR revolves around a friendship of two very tough guys played by Ram Charan ( Telugu: రాం చరణ్ ) and N. T. Rama Rao
Jr. known simply as NTR (Telugu: ఎన్.టి.ఆర్ ) and is both about a rescue of a little girl that was kidnapped by the British and about a revolution against the British. The film's title "Rise, Roar Revolt" was not there from the beginning. It was just simply a project of Rajamouli, Ram and Rao. Therefor RRR. But later they decided to find something else for the abbreviation to mean.
My real name is J.Y.Amihud and I live in Rama
t Gan Israel. I even made an addon for Super Tux Kart where I recreated the area around my house, with a map included in the files. On the other hand you can see that this website is running through Tor network specifically designed for absolute anonymity online. And I apparently take privacy very seriously. So why the hell am I revealing everything about myself even in this very article?