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November 27, 2024

👁 14

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For my movies like I'm Not Even Human and Moria's Race I had to organize a lot of Blender assets and animation files. Which was a pain in the ass! So I designed a program to help me work on the movies. Which went by many different names: orginization.py; blender-organizer; VCStudio; and finally Blender-Pipeline.

[embedded image]

I have written it multiple times. First time I showed it to the public was in 2016 in a video on the old "Blender Dumbass" youtube channel.

Link to the video archived on Odysee

This version was primarily used for "I'm Not Even Human". But later I rewrote a big chunk of the program for my next project The Package, The Car and The Time Is Running Out. Which is still hosted on github, though it is discontinued.

Link to the Github page.

In 2020 when working on Moria's Race I rewritten the program into what it is known today as Blender-Pipeline ( which shortly lived under a name VCStudio ).

Link to notabug.org git repository
Link to codeberg.org git repository
Blender Pipeline in Free Software Directory
LibrePlanet presentation showcasing Blender-Pipeline

Happy Hacking!!!

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

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I reviewed a lot of films on this website and in almost every review I mention the name of Steven Spielberg. It's not because every movie I review is made by Spielberg. But it seem like every director can be viewed on a scale of Spielbergness. And the higher you go on that scale the better. At the top there is Steven Spielberg himself.

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