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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

January 02, 2025

👁 58

https://blenderdumbass.org/articles/why_night_scenes_in_video_games_are_so_hard_to_make_right_ : 👁 3
https://blenderdumbass.org/petitions/release:_dani_s_race_v25-09-24 : 👁 4
https://blenderdumbass.org/ : 👁 3
https://blenderdumbass.org/articles/upbge_-_what_is_depsgraph__and_how_to_optimize_for_depsgraph_ : 👁 3
https://blenderdumbass.org/articles/the_incels_of_computing:_the_depressive_defense_mechanisms_of_free_software : 👁 4
https://blenderdumbass.org/about/faq : 👁 1
https://blenderdumbass.org/petitions/release:_dani_s_race_v2025-01-19 : 👁 6
https://libregamewiki.org/ : 👁 1


Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

This will be a section where I answer questions people are often asking me. This is not a list of meanings of words I often use, for that please look at glossary.

Why is there a petition and why don't you simply release it?

Main article about Petitions in depth.

To win against the copyright industry is to make it sustainable in Freedom. Copyright industry has a point: It is very hard to convince people to pay for something, when you can get it without a fee.

In the Libre ecosystem there are multitudes of ways to make business. Some people ignore the fact that they can share their work freely. And ask for a fee anyway. This could work if you targeting uneducated people who do not know that the work is Libre. Others set donations, so that people who like their work could support them monetarily.

But in both of those examples it is unsustainable.

The Petitions are a solution to this problem. Instead of releasing something the moment I have it, I wait for getting something first for the work. And then if I get what I want I will release it.

As of now petitions are not money-related. I use them to grow the audience on various places online. But in the future I hope to use something similar with money too. So instead of a vague goal, it will be a certain sum of money. And people could send whatever they want. As soon as I get that sum, I will release it. And everybody could share it as much as they want.

How does one Subscribe to your channel? That PeerTube thing has no registration anywhere...

PeerTube is fediverse which means that it is many little websites all talking to one another. And that means that you can subscribe from anywhere on the fediverse to follow channels on PeerTube.

Here is a video tutorial of how to do this with Mastodon.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 90 💬 0

Like the Glossary on Stallman.org this is a list of meanings of words that I use throughout my articles.

The page will be updated once every so often with new words.


[icon petitions]Release: Dani's Race v2025-01-19



245 / 250 Signatures

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 119 💬 0

Dani's Race version 2025-01-19

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #UPBGE #blender3d #project #petition #release

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