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Stupid Correct English

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January 23, 2025

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#English #Language #FreeSpeech #Grammar #Poetry #Prose #Freedom

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I often talk to people who do not understand strategic uses of language. Who seem to completely disregard things like Norepineuphoria when addressing people and who are unwilling to understand that people are free to express themselves however they please. Using whatever language they like.

Those people also often point out various grammatical errors in texts people write. As if having better attention to words makes the argument presented more or less valid. So I suppose I'm gonna rant about this.

It seems like the world is going crazy, my holopotropocks. Countries fight over names of things. Look at the middle motherfucking east. They could just settle a dispute by calling the same country "Israel" in one language and "Palestine" in another. Like there is "India" in inglish, "Hodu" in Hebrew and motherfuking "Bharatadesham" in telugu. The fact that pipul disagree about the name of the contry doesnt make it the same contry stil...

And those grama dudes! OM fucking G! Tha fuk are you trying to tel me? Is me writing like a cunty macCunty mean that am a stupidy dupidy? What haw-you done, mate? Huh? How made motherfucking ideas did you ave?

Sis moerfu-ing piss of shit! Is sis no art for you then? Is sis, me here trying to mess the text on purpose not a fucking point am making? Wa is is then? Yo ow, pipul have dislexias sometimes and shit. They muid get it veri hart with writting stuf, ya now. Mabe some pipal are just not very gud at consentrating at tekst. Maby u bein abelist or some-ing for pointing ou mistakis? Did u thow bou it?

Hibdy fucking budy. Hibchup-karup-chkury holopotropoki budah. Hibidy bibidy bibidy budah-bedurk. A? .. Wo? ... Yeah... Fuck language! I wana writte like an idiote I Wil wride laik a idiat. Fucking fuck fucking fuck. Wach ya ganna du?

Hapy Haking!!!!!

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[avatar]  cptbichez c:0

agreed. and i think the only people that are spicy about that are natives speakers. (but in some countries its also a proof of the willingness to integrate and be understood)

BUT for real, "i tried"-english is the most beautiful subset of english language. as beautiful and multicultural as esperanto.

Hibidi bibidi to you

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[avatar]  Troler forgot pasverb c:1

The present article reminded me so much of perfected "Making shit in Blender"-era BlenderDumbass videos.

... replies ( 1 )
[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:2

@Troler come to the Matrix chat I can reset it.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:2

... c:1
[avatar]  Troler forgot pasverb c:1

The present article reminded me so much of perfected "Making shit in Blender"-era BlenderDumbass videos.

@Troler come to the Matrix chat I can reset it.

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[avatar]  EmDotRand c:3

I disagree with whom are the most pedantic with the English language. That distinction goes to English professors who have learned English as a second language. They treat the Webster dictionary as gospel instead of a mere guild as was intended.

Otherwise I agree with your sentiment. Nothing like hearing that you're not a true X as you attempt to piece together a hodgepodge of languages being tossed at you. That said, me na know watcha runnin' on 'bout wit dem las' two paragraphs. me spit dun dri fer me figure dat shit.

... replies ( 1 )
[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:4

@EmDotRand All i was trying to do, was to make the spell checker give me more errors towards the end there.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:4

... c:3
[avatar]  EmDotRand c:3

I disagree with whom are the most pedantic with the English language. That distinction goes to English professors who have learned English as a second language. They treat the Webster dictionary as gospel instead of a mere guild as was intended.

Otherwise I agree with your sentiment. Nothing like hearing that you're not a true X as you attempt to piece together a hodgepodge of languages being tossed at you. That said, me na know watcha runnin' on 'bout wit dem las' two paragraphs. me spit dun dri fer me figure dat shit.

@EmDotRand All i was trying to do, was to make the spell checker give me more errors towards the end there.

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[avatar]  futher mucker c:5

Absolutely hilarious voiceover. 10/10 would run proprietary software if you asked me to.

... replies ( 1 )
[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:6

@futher mucker please don't

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:6

... c:5
[avatar]  futher mucker c:5

Absolutely hilarious voiceover. 10/10 would run proprietary software if you asked me to.

@futher mucker please don't

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[icon reviews]Ada & Zangemann The Movie: Could Be So Much Better!



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I got excited when a few month's ago they announced that Ada & Zangemann was going to be made into an animation film. I did not expect them to deliver so fast!

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