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Images Don't work on older articles

[avatar]  trueauracoral

January 15, 2024

👁 29


All of the images of the page don't work. I think maybe a solution could be to search for archives of images or manually replace.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:0

A lot of the images in the older articles are links to Odysee. And Odysee is changing rules all the time. To be honest though, thy are all probably just links to social media anyway, so it is like not so important.

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[avatar]  trueauracoral c:1

Oh ok

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[icon articles]I Have Finished Animating Moria's Race


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 23 💬 0

Jewish tradition has a prayer ceremony every morning called "Shaharit". Basically you sit ( sometimes stand ) for about 2 hours, reading a bunch of text in Hebrew from a book. Once a big Rabbi was asked "Why, if god loves us, we should suffer through this immense boredom every morning?". His answers was "It's true that it tends to be boring. And it's long. And you feel like suffering the entire time. But what a good feeling you get right when it's over.".

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