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Since this is an elite club it's not easy to get an account here. You will have to be invited by one of The Hackers. As soon as you are invited you will be able to invite other Hackers into the club. The club is structured hierarchically. Under our lord The Absolute Ultimate Mega Hacker Blender Dumbass are the most elite of the elite. The chosen few. The Ultimate Hackers.

Then come The Hackers!, simple Hackers, Free Software Users, Software Users, Users and Noobs.

People can go up the hierarchy. So even if you are invited by a Noob, don't worry! If somebody higher up in the hierarchy will see how utterly amazing of a hacker you are, they can give you a boost, by re-inviting you.

Happy Hacking!



Register Without Invitation*

* It's possible to request registration, for elite hackers to approve and retroactively invite you in, if they approve you. You will have to send as much info for it as possible, so they can form a decision about you.