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October 03, 2023

👁 45

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Some software employ Dark Patterns and Manipulation to gain something from users.

This comment thread is for people to document various implementations of this malicious feature.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 35 💬 2

Sheiny was walking back and forth anxiously. Mr. Humbert wasn't sure what's wrong with her. For the last few months she was excited about her new movie that is about to be released. Suddenly she isn't excited anymore. She is extremely nervous. In her mind every single flaw, every single mistake, every single little hazard. All of the stuff that she didn't make the way that would be the best for the film. All of this was tormenting her. The movie is about to be released but it isn't perfect. But worst of all was the fact that she might have overdone the movie's shock. She was filming pornography for nearly a year prior to the film-project. And she was afraid that the movie is too sexual, too gruesome, too strange. She was afraid that it was too scandalous for people to like it.

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