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July 26, 2024

👁 40

It was the beginning of 2020. The model of Neonspeedster for Moria's Race was already done. I was sitting at home on the Quarantine. It was the beginning of the corona-virus mayhem. Everybody was locked at home. I was bored. And so I made a MIDI album.

Download from Archive.org

In Line For Toilet Paper

Social Distancing

Repetitive Masturbation

Corona Spectogrammed

Single Cough

Practicing Digital Violin

People Actually Died

But There Is Still Hope

The music of this album are under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

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[icon articles]Julian Assange vs Josiah Mizukami


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 36 💬 0

Imagine being locked up in prison for something that's legal. And not even merely legal. For something that is a human right. There is this very small human right, I don't know if you know about it, it's called the Freedom Of Speech. An ability to express your opinion without being persecuted for it. And it's more than essential. It's the cornerstone of things like Freedom in general. Sometimes though bad people that are trying to persecute you for this anyway - are smart. And they will look for any other way of shutting you up if this one is not available for them. Good example is Julian Assange. Not so good example could potentially be Josiah Mizukami.

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