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[icon music]Moria's Race Soundtrack



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

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Original soundtrack I wrote specifically for Moria's Race short film.

[icon music]Little Naomi


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

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In 2020 I had a lot of spare time and not a lot of what to do. This is when I started the Moria's Race project. And this is when I wrote Little Naomi. An album that should be listened in whole in the right order, since each song is a scene in a tragic love story.

[icon music]enitnarauQ


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 33 💬 0

This was supposed to be a hidden album which is linked to from various songs in Quarantine. If somebody clicked on the link, they will be presented with these 4 sound files which are less music and more an experiments in atmosphere.

[icon music]Quarantine



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 40 💬 0

It was the beginning of 2020. The model of Neonspeedster for Moria's Race was already done. I was sitting at home on the Quarantine. It was the beginning of the corona-virus mayhem. Everybody was locked at home. I was bored. And so I made a MIDI album.

[icon music]The Package, The Car And The Time Is Running Out Soundtrack



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 33 💬 0

This is perhaps the shortest "album" that I ever composed. This is the original score for my 2 minutes short film "The Package, The Car & The Time Is Running Out".

[icon music]I'm Not Even Human Soundtrack



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 30 💬 0

I'm Not Even Human ( a film that I made in 2018 ) has an original score written by me. This original score is also the first time I used MIDI to compose music instead of playing it on the electric piano. The first song "Explosion" was originally composed and recorded using the piano, but the sound quality of the piano was nowhere near where I wanted it to be for the movie. So for the first time I touched MIDI and redone the song in MIDI, which sounded great. So I made all of the original score for the movie in MIDI apart from 3 songs. The Bill's Into was recorded with live guitar. Abstraktation was improvised on the piano. And the final Bonus Track was recorded the same way as my album The Pentas.

[icon music]The Pentas



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 36 💬 0

Pentas are 5 gong-style round drum-things which are used to play simple melodies. Each one of those is one note in a scale called the Pentatonic scale. If you take the modern western scale with it's 7 notes (Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si). The pentatonic scale is the best sounding 5 of those (Do, Re, Mi, Sol, La). The easiest way of achieving the pentatonic scale on a piano would be to play only the black keys. Also the pentatonic scale is quite popular with beginner guitarists. It's rather simple on a fret-board and gives a nice sounding solo when improvising. The Pentas - being my second album, was still recorded during my time learning the guitar. So I used a lot of the pentatotic scale in it. Thought quite frankly, knowing about the other two notes (Fa and Si) I added them quite often still.

[icon music]No Respect For Those Who Give Up



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 52 💬 0

When I was about 16 years old I went into my friend's house and saw a guitar. Without even having any money I asked him "How much for the guitar?". And bought it immediately. I had to return him chunks of money for the next year or so. A bit later, an old lady living in the same building as my mom, who was once a musician, decided that I worth be given a small electronic piano. Obviously I was quite excited to learn to make music and so I decided to record a bunch of songs. Which ended up being my first album ( 2015 ) "No Respect For Those Who Give Up".

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