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No Respect For Those Who Give Up

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

July 26, 2024

👁 52

When I was about 16 years old I went into my friend's house and saw a guitar. Without even having any money I asked him "How much for the guitar?". And bought it immediately. I had to return him chunks of money for the next year or so. A bit later, an old lady living in the same building as my mom, who was once a musician, decided that I worth be given a small electronic piano. Obviously I was quite excited to learn to make music and so I decided to record a bunch of songs. Which ended up being my first album ( 2015 ) "No Respect For Those Who Give Up".

The songs are very bad and kind of cringe. The English is not very good. But I still like some musical decisions in it. It is not 100% garbage. Only like 85% garbage.

Download from Internet Archive

Individual songs:

A Little Rationalization

Call Night Moon


Fuck Givers Up!

Oh Sheina

The songs of this album are under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

There were a few more songs but they are perhaps lost forever. Unless of course I will find a way to recover them somehow.

One of the songs in the album ( Call Night Moon ) had a music video. Which is a very big cringe. So cringe alert!


And even more cringe is the test version of the song recorded a year before the version in this album.


There was maybe 5 different versions of "Call Night Moon". I can find only these two thus far.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 30 💬 0

"Your honor..." - said the lawyer, standing in a court, which was being broadcast on a screen in the living-room of Mr. Hambleton's house - "...there is no denying that my client is guilty in the murders of all of those people that were mentioned in the case so far. The evidence provided by the police are undeniable. The jury would also agree that the fact that my client did commit all those murders are beyond reasonable doubt. And my client doesn't try to conceal this fact either. Right?" - the lawyer looked at the cage standing in the corner of the court room. There was sitting a man. He had chains all over him. Two policemen were guarding the cage itself. The man looked up, exchanged a stare of understanding with the lawyer and said - "I did commit those murders, sir."

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