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No Respect For Those Who Give Up

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

July 26, 2024

👁 52

When I was about 16 years old I went into my friend's house and saw a guitar. Without even having any money I asked him "How much for the guitar?". And bought it immediately. I had to return him chunks of money for the next year or so. A bit later, an old lady living in the same building as my mom, who was once a musician, decided that I worth be given a small electronic piano. Obviously I was quite excited to learn to make music and so I decided to record a bunch of songs. Which ended up being my first album ( 2015 ) "No Respect For Those Who Give Up".

The songs are very bad and kind of cringe. The English is not very good. But I still like some musical decisions in it. It is not 100% garbage. Only like 85% garbage.

Download from Internet Archive

Individual songs:

A Little Rationalization

Call Night Moon


Fuck Givers Up!

Oh Sheina

The songs of this album are under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

There were a few more songs but they are perhaps lost forever. Unless of course I will find a way to recover them somehow.

One of the songs in the album ( Call Night Moon ) had a music video. Which is a very big cringe. So cringe alert!


And even more cringe is the test version of the song recorded a year before the version in this album.


There was maybe 5 different versions of "Call Night Moon". I can find only these two thus far.

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[icon articles]Huge! Speed Dreams is Now on Git



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 102 💬 13

And I'm happy to tell you that Speed Dreams announced today that they are finally moving to Git. This is huge!

#SpeedDreams #gamedev #FreeSoftware #Gnu #Linux #OpenSource #gaming #SimRacing #Git #Programming

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