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Only God Forgives

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

January 16, 2024

👁 42

https://blenderdumbass.org/reviews/megalopolis:_the_high-brow_bullshit_i_enjoy : 👁 3

From my review of Drive you probably know that I like the taste of Nicolas Winding Refn's cock. And in this review I will be sucking his cock once again, while drooping saliva all of his masterpiece Only God Forgives.

I was afraid of it. Since I reviewed Drive I did a marathon of Ryan Gosling's films and saw some very good cinema. I was afraid that a slow paced, depressive movie about God being a Thai policeman will not stand a change against things like Barbie. But damn, Nicola's Winding Refn's cock is tasty. To be honest, Ryan Gosling's cock is also tasty.

This was the first time I saw Only God Forgives and thought to myself "It's Ken" in the beginning of the movie. But then his psychopathic ephebophile brother wend to have sex with a teenage girl and then murdered her and then got murdered by her father, only to get punished later by God himself. And all thoughts about Ken disappeared.

The movie is perhaps intentionally confusing. Some idiots on image-boards have a problem with Moria's Race not spoon-feeding them with all they need to know so the movie would make sense. They don't like to pay any attention. And they do not like to figure anything out. This movie is way more of a puzzle. And not in a Christopher Nolan kind of way. It's not about figuring out what happens. It's about figuring out what it all means.

The film has a fair amount of intentional continuity breaks. At first I thought that those were just glaring mistakes. But then I thought about the meaning of the movie and those started to make sense. Every time something seems off in the film, try thinking about why. Chances are there is a meaning behind it.

The most needed clue about the movie, that I already spoiled, so you would get a chance at understanding it, it is that God is the cool ass Thai cop. There is a recurring continuity error with him, that he takes his sword seemingly out of thin air. It is intentional. He is God. But do not think about it too much in a literal terms. The movie is very metaphorical. It doesn't try to tell stories about people, but rather it tries to dive into various philosophical concepts and dilemmas. It's a very brain stimulating movie if you know how to read it well.

There is a very good, scary Karen character in the movie played orgasmically by Kristin Scott Thomas. She is Julian's mother. Julian is Ryan Gosling's character. But also there is a lot of layers to it. I don't want to spoil it. I enjoy it when people go "What the fuck?" when I show them this movie and her character is on screen.

The God is played by Vithaya Pansringarm who is also a good singer. Rhatha Phongam gave a good and confused performance of a girl with her own complexities. And apparently she had to masturbate in front of Ryan Gosling for one scene. I saw an interview where she described the experience.

Visually the film is stunning. Though at times it tend to be a bit too stunning. This is because Nicolas Winding Refn doesn't see colors as vibrantly as the rest of us. So he tends to crank the saturation up to eleven. But apart from the saturated Neon aesthetic the movie captures a kind of foreigner's feeling. The type of feeling when you get into a different country and you see it for the first time. And you want to just walk around the streets at night. A lot of films focus on landmarks and tourist attraction sites. This rubs the films from the atmosphere of those places. This movie has this familiar feeling of walking around in a foreign city at night.

Unlike Drive the movie doesn't have feel good synth-wave songs in it. It has a few nice Thai songs instead. And I do listen to those once in a while. Apart from that it has a killer soundtrack from Cliff Martinez who you know from a lot of other Refn movies. And also from a lot of Steven Soderbergh movies too.

If you are up for some brain-fuck go and suck Nicolas Winding Refn's cock with me.

Happy Hacking!!!

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Good film directors tend to take upon themselves projects that risk being misunderstood sometimes. An artist can't just draw the same drawing over and over. He wants to experiment. Director Michael Mann is famous with his films about crime. And the realistic depiction of what crime and police work actually looks like. But if you are doing this over and over, you tend to become interested in something else. Which is terrible for a director who has fans with certain expectations.

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