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[icon articles]Is Lars Von Trier Really an Edge Lord?



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 44 πŸ’¬ 0

There is a certain sense among cinephiles that the danish filmmaker Lars Von Trier is nothing but an edge lord, making his films simply as a sort of pornography designed to outrage people. It does not help his case that his films are some of the hardest films to watch. And it doesn't help that his movies tend to touch upon uncomfortable things in very uncomfortable ways. Yet I don't believe Lars Von Trier does any of that for laughs.

#LarsVonTrier #filmmaking #film #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #horror #philosophy

[icon reviews]Breaking The Waves


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 44 πŸ’¬ 0

Lars Von Trier is an interesting filmmaker. He directs mostly very depressing movies that are very hard to watch. Breaking The Waves is an interesting case study in his filmography because on some weird level this is one of the rare examples of a Lars Von Trier film with a happy ending. Even though you could perhaps argue that the ending is nowhere near happy at all.

[icon reviews]Nope


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 48 πŸ’¬ 0

I was avoiding Nope for a few reasons. One of them was because people kept saying that it is very disturbing. It has a scene which I thought was to traumatize me. Now that I actually saw the film I can tell you that Jordan Peele, the director of Nope is not Lars Von Trier and therefor the scene is not actually that bad. To be quite frank, it seems like shooting that scene the way Lars Von Trier would have done it probably goes against the message of the movie.

[icon reviews]The House That Jack Built



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 50 πŸ’¬ 0

When I started doing movie reviews I told myself that I will make reviews right after I saw the movie. But there is an exception to this rule. The first and the last time I saw The House That Jack Built was in Jerusalem Cinemateque in the end of 2018. Roughly 5 years ago. And this review will be made from the memory I have of the movie. I have no problem with the existence of this movie. Freedom of Speech is important. But I am not willing to watch it again. Even though I am kind of a fan of the director Lars Von Trier and the movie is arguably very good. It's just I'm not brave enough to sit through it again.

[icon reviews]Ambulance 2022 is a fucking masterpiece



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 22 πŸ’¬ 0

Critics often think Michael Bay doesn't give a damn about characters, but how can you believe that when everything in the film is shut deliberately to be from a perspective of a character? Michael Bay is Lars Von Trier of action. Lars uses strange chaotic camera work and weird editing choices to elevate the emotion on screen and Michael Bay uses chaotic camera work and weird editing choices to elevate the emotions too. If you take him seriously everything clicks into place. It's just Michael Bay likes it louder.

#Ambulance #Ambulance2022 #MichaelBay #film #review #movies #cinemastodon #EizaGonzales #JakeGyllenhaal

[icon reviews]The Substance Will Make You Puke While Cumming



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 57 πŸ’¬ 0

I am still unsure whether Coralie Fargeat meant for The Substance to be taken seriously or not. There was a similar misunderstanding when it comes to Lars Von Trier's The House That Jack Built, where the audience were laughing, unable to comprehend in the intensity of the film, while the director was dead serious. The experience I had watching The Substance reminded me of this confusion. The film is so over the top, it beats the absurdity of Sam Raimi's horror-comedies.

[icon films]The 8 Yr Olds


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

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The 8 Year Olds - is a horror / mystery / detective movie project. The story is about a police case of a serial killer who kills only 8 year olds. And the movie is about finding who he is and stopping him.

[icon reviews]Why Dancer In The Dark is Unique?



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 60 πŸ’¬ 2

I came into the film without any knowledge that this film is a musical. I failed to see the obvious foreshadowing to it. The casting of the singer BjΓΆrk for the lead character, the word "Dancer" included in the damn title, the beginning of the film, where BjΓΆrk's character prepares to dance in a stage-play. All of that went over my head. And when the first musical number started I was pleasantly surprised.

[icon reviews]Miami Vice



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 48 πŸ’¬ 0

Good film directors tend to take upon themselves projects that risk being misunderstood sometimes. An artist can't just draw the same drawing over and over. He wants to experiment. Director Michael Mann is famous with his films about crime. And the realistic depiction of what crime and police work actually looks like. But if you are doing this over and over, you tend to become interested in something else. Which is terrible for a director who has fans with certain expectations.

[icon reviews]Showgirls: The Porno-Cinematic Masterpiece


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

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Paul Verhoeven is to some extend a legendary film-maker. RoboCop, Total Recall, Starship Troopers, Hoolow Man. Movies you have probably seen and seen again. Yet it seems like his movie Showgirls perhaps was made with a miscalculation on his part.

[icon articles]Michael Bay is a Properly Good Director and I Will Stand by it Because it is True



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 18 πŸ’¬ 0

It seems like the entire world of film-enthusiasts came together and decided to bully one person for no reason what so ever. And that one person is Michael Bay.

#MichaelBay #Cinema #Film #Filmmaking #Auteur #Action #Transformers #BadBoys

[icon articles]Story Without Cutscenes in Dani's Race



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 59 πŸ’¬ 3

The challenge for Dani's Race is deliberately not to be a movie. As in the game should not have cuts, nor there ever should be a moment when the player loses control over the character. Yet through all those limitations I want to continue a story I started in an actual movie. Which is kind of complicated.

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #Gamedev #UPBGE #blender3d #animation #GTAClone #programming #project #Story #Storytelling #Gnu #Linux #Freesoftware #OpenSource

[icon reviews]Transformers is Good if You Take it Seriously



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 18 πŸ’¬ 0

I decided to re-watch the first Transformers film today, but differently. Instead of indulging in it as mindless entertainment, I decided I want to actually view it seriously, as I would with somebody like Steven Spielberg, who, by the way, was an executive producer on the film.

#transformers #MichaelBay #film #review #movies #cinemastodon #ShiaLabeouf #MeganFox #VFX #CGI

[icon reviews]Leon The Professional



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 31 πŸ’¬ 0

There are a couple of movies that are so dear to me that I keep watching the end credits all the way through. Often crying through them. And Leon: The Professional is one of those movies.

[icon reviews]Love Clone is a suprisingly good sudent film from Africa



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 26 πŸ’¬ 0

There is no budget to this film. Yet with all the limitation, Dilman Dila makes a gripping, suspenseful, sci-fi story that would not be too far from the works of somebody like David Cronenberg, if Cronenberg didn't have money.

#LoveClone #DilmanDila #ShortFilm #FIlm #Review #StudentFilm #Movies #Cinemastodon #Blender3d #VFX #Africa

[icon reviews]Alien: Romulus is too good to be scary



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

πŸ‘ 144 πŸ’¬ 0

The film suffers from the same problem something like War Of The Worlds by Steven Spielberg suffers from. It is too good for its own good. You have so much dopamine from the good stuff that it overshadows any Norepinephrine from the scary stuff.

#alien #AlienRomulus #FedeAlvarez #film #review #horror #RidleyScott #HRGiger

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