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[icon fc]NewPipe


To replace Lollypop you can use NewPipe since it respects the user's freedom and is also a Music Player software.

Also it can access data from 1 of the same network protocols as Lollypop such as: YOUTUBE.

[icon internet] Website [icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Wikipedia

[icon fc]FreeTube


To replace Lollypop you can use FreeTube since it respects the user's freedom and is also a Music Player software.

Also it can access data from 1 of the same network protocols as Lollypop such as: YOUTUBE.

[icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website

[icon fc]Invidious


To replace Lollypop you can use Invidious since it respects the user's freedom and is also a Music Player software.

Also it can access data from 1 of the same network protocols as Lollypop such as: YOUTUBE.

[icon internet] Website [icon internet] Source code

[icon fc]PeerTube


To replace Lollypop you can use PeerTube since it respects the user's freedom and is also a Music Player software.

[icon internet] Website [icon internet] Source code

[icon fc]Ardour


To replace Lollypop you can use Ardour since it respects the user's freedom and reads 4 of the same formats as Lollypop such as: WAV, FLAC, OGG and MP3.

[icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website [icon internet] Wikipedia

[icon fc]LMMS


To replace Lollypop you can use LMMS since it respects the user's freedom and reads 3 of the same formats as Lollypop such as: WAV, OGG and FLAC.

[icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website [icon internet] Wikipedia

[icon articles]Michael Bay is a Properly Good Director and I Will Stand by it Because it is True



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 33 💬 2

It seems like the entire world of film-enthusiasts came together and decided to bully one person for no reason what so ever. And that one person is Michael Bay.

#MichaelBay #Cinema #Film #Filmmaking #Auteur #Action #Transformers #BadBoys

[icon reviews]Bad Boys 2 is Michael Bay's Magnum Opus



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 17 💬 0

Similarly to Michael Mann's Miami Vice Bad Boys II is about love, man... It is about how both Will Smith and Martin Lawrence love Gabrielle Union. And how they are willing to do international terrorism and kill many many people, to save her. True love bro!

#BadBoys2 #BadBoys #MichaelBay #WillSmith #MartinLawrence #Bayhem #Action #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon

[icon reviews]Ambulance 2022 is a fucking masterpiece



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 28 💬 0

Critics often think Michael Bay doesn't give a damn about characters, but how can you believe that when everything in the film is shut deliberately to be from a perspective of a character? Michael Bay is Lars Von Trier of action. Lars uses strange chaotic camera work and weird editing choices to elevate the emotion on screen and Michael Bay uses chaotic camera work and weird editing choices to elevate the emotions too. If you take him seriously everything clicks into place. It's just Michael Bay likes it louder.

#Ambulance #Ambulance2022 #MichaelBay #film #review #movies #cinemastodon #EizaGonzales #JakeGyllenhaal

[icon reviews]6 Underground



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 31 💬 0

In my review of Babylon I claimed that it was 1941 of Damien Chazelle. But there is one filmmaker that makes 1941s all the time. And his name is Michael Bay.

[icon reviews]Transformers is Good if You Take it Seriously



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 21 💬 0

I decided to re-watch the first Transformers film today, but differently. Instead of indulging in it as mindless entertainment, I decided I want to actually view it seriously, as I would with somebody like Steven Spielberg, who, by the way, was an executive producer on the film.

#transformers #MichaelBay #film #review #movies #cinemastodon #ShiaLabeouf #MeganFox #VFX #CGI

[icon reviews]1941 is the Ultimate Steven Spielberg Film



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 82 💬 0

1941 ( a 1979 Steven Spielberg action comedy film ) seems like a parody of Michael Bay. The film's credits literally have explosions happen all throughout, under the scrolling text. There is so much colorful destruction, so much over the top action scenes, so much loud over-bombardment, that I believe this is the Ultimate Steven Spielberg film.

#1941 #Spielberg #StevenSpielberg #FilmReview #Film #Review #FilmMaking #Cinemastodon #MichaelBay #War #WarFilm #1941film

[icon reviews]Enemy of the State 1998 is very relevant for today



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 11 💬 0

The passing of Gene Hackman made me interested in the actor again, and then I saw that he made a movie with Tony Scott, from Jerry Bruckheimer about surveillance. Recent fascination of mine with Michael Bay and stuff related to him, like the fact that a lot of the style of Bay came almost directly from Tony Scott. And the fact that Bay worked with Bruckheimer in the time this movie was released. And the fact that the star of Bad Boys Will Smith is the star of Enemy of the State. All of that made it inevitable that I should check the movie out.

#EnemyOfTheState #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon #TonyScott #WillSmith #GeneHackman

[icon reviews]Transformers 4 is a ballsy brave film



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 16 💬 0

So here is a movie from Paramount Pictures that was executive produced by Steven Spielberg with Stanley Tucci playing a villain and Mark Wahlberg playing a dad of a teenage girl. The movie touches on very hard emotional topics of sexual abuse and age discrimination. And Peter Jackson does a very good job... Oh... wait... it's not The Lovely Bones... ah... yeah... so... Transformers: Age of Extinction!!!

#transformers #MichaelBay #film #review #movies #cinemastodon #MarkWahlberg #StanleyTucci #VFX #CGI

[icon reviews]Transformers 5 is Too Good to be Good



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 77 💬 0

There is this satisfaction when it comes to animation, that I know from personal experience where the longer you work on a shot, or a sequence, the more details there is in the animation, the more satisfying it is to later just watch this insane level of effort simply wash over you one frame after another.

#transformers #MichaelBay #film #review #movies #cinemastodon #kingArthur

[icon reviews]Alien: Romulus is too good to be scary


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 147 💬 0

The film suffers from the same problem something like War Of The Worlds by Steven Spielberg suffers from. It is too good for its own good. You have so much dopamine from the good stuff that it overshadows any Norepinephrine from the scary stuff.

#alien #AlienRomulus #FedeAlvarez #film #review #horror #RidleyScott #HRGiger

[icon reviews]The Substance Will Make You Puke While Cumming


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 58 💬 0

I am still unsure whether Coralie Fargeat meant for The Substance to be taken seriously or not. There was a similar misunderstanding when it comes to Lars Von Trier's The House That Jack Built, where the audience were laughing, unable to comprehend in the intensity of the film, while the director was dead serious. The experience I had watching The Substance reminded me of this confusion. The film is so over the top, it beats the absurdity of Sam Raimi's horror-comedies.

[icon reviews]Melancholia is the best Science Fiction Film Ever



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 16 💬 0

I don't think you think of Science Fiction often when thinking about Lars Von Trier. Yet, his 2011 masterpiece Melancholia is one of, if not the best, science fiction film(s) ever.

#melancholia #depression #mentalhealth #film #movies #cinemastodon #sciencefiction #scifi #larsvontrier #review #KirstenDunst #BradyCorbet #TheBrutalist

[icon articles]The Real Steven Spielberg



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 54 💬 0

Yesterday I went to buy myself a hamburger that I allow my fat ass only about once a month or so. When it was time to take the finished package ( since I prefer to eat at home ) the cashier lady called me "Steven". I blushed and felt both amazing and embarrassing. No, she doesn't know that I do movies and that soon a movie of mine comes out. She has no actual idea who I am. That was the first time I ever saw her. It's just when you order something, their machine asks you to write a name, so they could call you when it's ready. Writing my own name would be a horrible privacy problem. So instead I write names of celebrities. And this time I wrote "Steven Spielberg".

[icon reviews]Midsommar is not a horror film



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 45 💬 0

On the very basic surface level it could be read as a horror film. It is slashery in nature. It has very gruesome body mutilation scenes. But the film feels less of a horror and more of something like Nicolas Winding Refn's film Only God Forgives. Only this one has Ari Aster written all over it.

#Midsommar #AriAster #FlorencePugh #JackReynor #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon

[icon reviews]Wrath of Man is why I love Guy Ritchie



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 30 💬 0

Wrath of Man is one of such, very Guy Ritchie, very crime trillery, very Quentin Tarantino-inspired films. It has just enough cold detachment, just enough calculated precision and just enough artful pathos to make you feel the false-psychopathy of the main character played by Jason Statham.

#WrathOfMan #GuyRitchie #Film #Review #JasonStatham #JoshHartnett #Cinemastodon #Movies

[icon articles]How I Made Car Crash Animation in Blender for Moria's Race?


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 80 💬 0

There are more than one crash in Moria's Race. But the most exiting ones happen during the race of the movie. And because this kind of thing was hard for me when I was starting out with Blender, I suppose it will not be a terrible idea to write about how I did it.

#MoriasRace #Blender3D #animation #VFX #CGI #3dArt #mastoart #b3d #simulation #cars

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