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[icon reviews]Miami Vice



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 48 💬 0

Good film directors tend to take upon themselves projects that risk being misunderstood sometimes. An artist can't just draw the same drawing over and over. He wants to experiment. Director Michael Mann is famous with his films about crime. And the realistic depiction of what crime and police work actually looks like. But if you are doing this over and over, you tend to become interested in something else. Which is terrible for a director who has fans with certain expectations.

[icon reviews]Bad Boys 2 is Michael Bay's Magnum Opus



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 17 💬 0

Similarly to Michael Mann's Miami Vice Bad Boys II is about love, man... It is about how both Will Smith and Martin Lawrence love Gabrielle Union. And how they are willing to do international terrorism and kill many many people, to save her. True love bro!

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