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[icon reviews]Transformers is Good if You Take it Seriously



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 18 💬 0

I decided to re-watch the first Transformers film today, but differently. Instead of indulging in it as mindless entertainment, I decided I want to actually view it seriously, as I would with somebody like Steven Spielberg, who, by the way, was an executive producer on the film.

#transformers #MichaelBay #film #review #movies #cinemastodon #ShiaLabeouf #MeganFox #VFX #CGI

[icon reviews]Love Clone is a suprisingly good sudent film from Africa



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 26 💬 0

There is no budget to this film. Yet with all the limitation, Dilman Dila makes a gripping, suspenseful, sci-fi story that would not be too far from the works of somebody like David Cronenberg, if Cronenberg didn't have money.

#LoveClone #DilmanDila #ShortFilm #FIlm #Review #StudentFilm #Movies #Cinemastodon #Blender3d #VFX #Africa

[icon articles]How I Made Car Crash Animation in Blender for Moria's Race?



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 68 💬 0

There are more than one crash in Moria's Race. But the most exiting ones happen during the race of the movie. And because this kind of thing was hard for me when I was starting out with Blender, I suppose it will not be a terrible idea to write about how I did it.

#MoriasRace #Blender3D #animation #VFX #CGI #3dArt #mastoart #b3d #simulation #cars

[icon articles]Very Soon We Will Need to Prove that Our Art Isn't AI



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 67 💬 2

I'm currently recording the screen of my computer to make a proof that this article is written by me and not AI generated. Maybe this proof will be enough. But I am afraid. I'm scared that in not so distant of a future, even a video of typing an article will not be a sufficient proof. So lets talk about it... Shall we?

#AI #AIart #Art #NoAIArt #CGi #VFX #MastoArt

[icon reviews]Avatar: The Way of Water is a sublime experience



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 36 💬 0

I made myself review both Avatar movies in one day, which was something I had to do to see the progress, or lack thereof of James Cameron. And there is progress. A lot of it!

#Avatar #Avatar2 #AvatarTheWayOfWater #JamesCameron #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon #VFX #CGI

[icon reviews]Does Avatar ( 2009 ) Stands The Test Of Time?



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 35 💬 0

I was frankly scared to re-experience the original James Cameron picture Avatar after knowing for certain that it is much worse, technically speaking, in comparison to the second film in the franchise. Yet I was confident that the film at the very least should be good. So I took my worries aside and watched it again. Does it hold up? Well let's talk about it.

#Avatar #JamesCameron #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon #VFX #CGI

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