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[icon articles]Path Finding in UPBGE for Dani's Race



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 46 💬 0

Paps needs to walk from his room to a car, wait for you, the player to sit with him into said car, and then drive you across a town to a completely different location. Seamlessly.

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Gamedev #Game #UPBGE #blender3d #animation #GTAClone #programming #project #Navigation #NPC #AI

[icon reviews]A.I. Artificial Intelligence is the best film ever



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 30 💬 2

This was the first time I've ever cried from a film. And that experience made me addicted, both to Steven Spielberg and A.I. and also to watching films seriously. Taking in what the directors is trying to do. Letting the film overwhelm you. Letting it break you. And perhaps made me a better filmmaker myself.

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #StevenSpielberg #StanleyKubrick #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon

[icon articles]Meta Argues: Art is so Easy it is Uncopyrightable



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 98 💬 0

Meta ( allegedly ) tried to hire 3D artists to justify in court that 3D art is apparently so easy and quick to make, that it is uncopyrightable, so they could not ask for permission from 3D artists for training their AI.

#Meta #Ai #Blender3d #Facebook #AiArt #Art #3DArt #b3d #Mastoart #Copyright #Effort

[icon articles]Very Soon We Will Need to Prove that Our Art Isn't AI



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 67 💬 2

I'm currently recording the screen of my computer to make a proof that this article is written by me and not AI generated. Maybe this proof will be enough. But I am afraid. I'm scared that in not so distant of a future, even a video of typing an article will not be a sufficient proof. So lets talk about it... Shall we?

#AI #AIart #Art #NoAIArt #CGi #VFX #MastoArt

[icon articles]Using AI For Art is to Disrespect Your Audience ( Testing Federation with Madiator's Blog )



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 35 💬 0

This is a test of federation. But I will be using it the way it was intended, for discussion and respectful disagreements between people. In this case I will be trying to counter argument the statement in this post by Madiator, while agreeing with some of it.

#madiator #fediverse #federation #test #blog #webdev #AI

[icon articles]Is Using Blender's Denoiser Evil?



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 74 💬 0

There is a war between artists and Artificial Intelligence people. AI is primarily useful today to those people who want to avoid the hassle of doing something impressive, while still maintaining an image of impressiveness. Artists, on the other hand, who's whole being is in grinding themselves into true impressiveness are not satisfied with AI being used to replace their labor with cheap, algorithmic knock-offs. One such machine learning algorithm, though, had found its way into millions of artist's work-flows, which they don't seem to care much about. And I'm talking about the Intel's Open Image Denoise found inside of Blender.

#blender3d #AI #art #philosophy

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