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Meta Argues: Art is so Easy it is Uncopyrightable

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January 14, 2025

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#Meta #Ai #Blender3d #Facebook #AiArt #Art #3DArt #b3d #Mastoart #Copyright #Effort

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Meta ( allegedly ) tried to hire 3D artists to justify in court that 3D art is apparently so easy and quick to make, that it is uncopyrightable, so they could not ask for permission from 3D artists for training their AI.

This news came to me from a long thread on Mastodon where Brent Patterson started talking about his experience with this:

I haven't told anyone about this yet, so let's go: Last fall, attorney's working for a certain social media company we will call "Schmeta" reached out to me asking for help with a copyright suit specifically because I was an academic who is also an 'expert' with Blender.

... and then he continues...

They wanted an expert who would state that 3D models aren't worth anything because they are so easy to make. Evidently Shmeta and an ivy league school we will call "Schmarvard" had scraped data illegally from a certain company's online library and used it to to train their AI...

As you may tell, this approach by "Schmeta" is not sitting well with artists who need to sit for hours, days and sometimes weeks, or in the case of Moria's Race years, to make an art piece, for which those same artists need to spend years, or even sometimes decades of insane effort, to simply learn the damn craft first, to then be reduced by "Schmeta" to simply: not worthy of anything because it is apparently so easy to make. And they have the audacity, then, to ask those artist to lie in court to make a quick buck!

This is not about copyright! This is about utter disrespect! About how Mark Zuck and co. dismiss the very foundation on which they are trying to build themselves. About how business people and executives who see only one value in front of their eyes, lack the foresight to notice and see what is holding this value in place: The effort that people put into things. The artist's intent. The artist's soul.

Meta and other companies that are now trying desperately to make people care about AI lack vision. They climbed on their piles of money so high into the sky that they do not see anything that happens down here. They don't see who is making things that make their money. They don't see who is buying from them either.

Why would anybody, for example, watch a unique movie specifically produced for that person? Movies are communal experiences. Even if you are not watching it in cinema, you still talk about them. Still discuss them. Still compare impressions between you and your friends.

This is true for all art. If there is no forum to discuss it, no friend to share it with, no subscriber to read your reviews about it, why bother engaging with it? Unless it's porn, of course. And even there people still much prefer the real thing and not AI generated slop. Because at least in the real thing, some effort is involved.

I often remind people that art is about effort. But those billionaires are so used to pay for everything instead of doing anything, that they see no difference in a computer making something for them, or a person. And therefor they are so out of touch, that it is absolutely infuriating.

I don't think they were intentionally trying to make people like Brent Patterson lie in court. I think they truly believe that art is easy and doesn't require any effort. Now think how fucking stupid should one be to think like this! Cory Doctorow was right. Those aren't evil geniuses. Those are just people out of touch with reality.

Happy Hacking!!!

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[icon articles]Overworked And Underpaid



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We all heard by now that the situation in Hollywood is not very good at the moment. A lot of Visual Effects artists are overworked and underpaid resulting in some atrocious CGI like in The Flash 2023. Studios even considering replacing those overworked and underpaid VFX artists with AI technology. Because it can make better images and complain less about its conditions at work.

[icon petitions]Release: Dani's Race v2025-01-19



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Dani's Race version 2025-01-19

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #UPBGE #blender3d #project #petition #release

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