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Moulin Rouge! A tearsqueezer on cocaine!

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

December 07, 2024

👁 19

https://www.ecosia.org/ : 👁 1
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

Allow me to indulge in this review with you.
Allow me to present you with a picture.
Pardon me for using so much rhyme, to chime,
and sing about it in this scripture.

To me, a joy is found with a good tear-squeezer
And Moulin Rouge! for certain qualifies
And even though the characters in the movie aren't talking in rhyme all the damn time. Because it would be obnoxious and unbearable...

The songs in it I find to be quite nice.

The movie is directed by Baz Luhrmann
A person, prior, who's films I never seen
But now, I feel, his works quite lure me
My taste-buds are prepared for his film-cuisine

As subject within subject of the movie
Indian extravagance is seen on screen.
The editing is so chaotic and so groovy
Bollywood is where these kinds of things I've seen.

I never knew Ewan McGregor is a singer.
I never thought that Nicole Kidman's too.
There are some flaws, but I'll not point any fingers,
I quite enjoyed the acting of the two.

Being a product of the beginning of the century
The graphics seen on screen could wish more work.
But Baz Luhrmann's direction of this symphony
Turns this visual cheapness into a mere quirk.

The movie is completely silly.
The logic-phile movie-goers will be shocked.
Even the songs seem chosen willy-nilly.
Thought I'd agree the film as is had worked.

The "Like a Virgin" by Madonna has been covered.
And not by women, but by Jim Broadbent.
I laughed my butt off and barely recovered.
If not direction in which the movie later went.

Please be so kind as to excuse this "poem".
I needed tools, for the film to start unpacking.
And as your writer, which I hope, you know him,
I want to wish you finally...

Happy Hacking!!!

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 82 💬 0

The paradox of freedom is by no means a new concept, but it is showing itself in most unexpected places, which are unfortunate sometimes and bring chills down the right people's spines when realized. Thus was the story your writer is going to tell in this wonderful piece of writing. Scary! Truly scary, it was! Battle-scars will appear on the protagonist's flesh, after healing from this experience. How utterly idiotic he was! Almost failed due to an error. Due to an expectation and presupposition that was at most erroneous. But still, how lucky. Because through all those struggles a victory was acquired non-the-less.

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