Software Trustworthyness Scale
Blender Dumbass
👁 27 💬 0
If you leave, suspended in air, an object of any kind, it will accelerate toward the center of the earth at about 9.8 meters per second per second. This is how we measure gravity. On the moon the gravity is only 16.5% of earth's since objects on it's surface accelerate towards it's center at roughly 1.6 meters per second per second. Knowing both values we can see how much more gravity there is on earth than on the moon. And we can decide a bunch of things based on these observations.
Political Engineering or The Lack Thereof
Blender Dumbass
👁 154 💬 14
The main reason a lot of the Roman concrete structures are still standing is that those structures were not engineered, but rather, built to be the strongest. The difference is that anybody with enough resources can make a strong building, or an unbreakable bridge, but rarely those resources are available. Engineers on the other hand have to design structures that barely hold, with the least possible resources. The lunar lander had walls as thin as foil, because taking up to the moon, the mass required to make a strong lunar lander was extremely expensive. Engineer's job is therefor to come up with weakest acceptable design beyond which any waste is too expensive. But here if an over-complication occurs, the manufacturer just loses money. In other activities, if an engineer fails to make the structure just barely on the edge of what's acceptable, the entire thing collapses. And I'm of course talking about politics.
Kids Should Be Told More Complex Stories
Blender Dumbass
👁 52 💬 0
People are flawed. All of us are. Each has something stupid about. And the funny thing is, it's impossible to avoid people either. We had tried! Lock-downs didn't work. People want to be with other people. And it's preferable that people would be with other people often. Communication is often a key to good psychological state. If we don't want all people to turn to murder maniacs we should never allow lock-downs to happen.
Debunking A Critique of Free Software by Anonymous
Blender Dumbass
👁 67 💬 11
Ultimate Hacker by the name of
Troler sent me an
interesting article written by some anonymous writer and published subsequently by Jake Bauer. I already debunked a few anti-free-software and anti-Stallman articles before. But most of them were from either complete imbeciles or corporate imbeciles. This time it seems like the article, which is titled "A Critique of Free Software" is written by a Free Software enthusiast. And by a person that is genuinely interested in the success of Freedom. He criticizes some aspects of the Free Software Foundation that he believes are detrimental to its stated goals. And believes that the goal is not what they tell it is.
Schrodinger's Exhibitionism
Blender Dumbass
👁 223 💬 4
In Germany by law you have designated areas where people can go Nude. Some areas where people can't, by law, wear any clothes. But other areas where people can't go without clothes. But that will be only a very minor crime. And only if somebody was offended, but people rarely do. In 2016 in Italy a 69 year old man ( nice ) masturbated himself in front of a female student in University of Catania in Sicily. The judge gave him a small fine and ruled the case in his favor. Technically legalizing public masturbation in Italy. Giving rise to a few Italian based exhibitionist porn channels. On the other hand a career of comedian Luis CK was nearly brought to an end when it's been shared that he was masturbating in-front of people too. The Schrodinger's Cat is a thought experiment to explain quantum superposition. Where you put a can into a box with a bomb that has 50% chance of blowing up. Until you open the box, the cat is either dead or alive. He is in a superposition. Let's talk about the Schrodinger's Exhibitionism. Or Exhibitionism in moral superposition.
Is Agenda Bad For Discussion
Blender Dumbass
👁 41 💬 0
The studio was full of people and the host was mentally preparing for the cameras to go live. The cameras started rolling which filled the room with tension. And the producers behind the cameras started counting the count-down. The host touched his tie in a nervous manner, to make sure that it sits nicely. The countdown went - "5 - 4 - 3 - ..." - from that point on, the producers counted only with their fingers, to avoid accidentally being heard counting on the broadcast itself. They showed 2, then 1 and then pointed to the host, which meant that it's the time to start.
Is The DeVault Report a Spiteful Metajoke
Blender Dumbass
👁 82 💬 0
Oh god, I'm trembling right now in anticipation of hate coming my way for this article. If you want to attack me, you should look no further than at
the article I wrote about the subject matter a few articles ago. Or look no further at my stance on the whole matter which many times I had brought up in various things I do. The plots of my films
Moria's Race and
I'm Not Even Human directly or indirectly deal with the subject matter at hand.
Paying With Freedom
Blender Dumbass
👁 31 💬 0
"Your honor..." - said the lawyer, standing in a court, which was being broadcast on a screen in the living-room of Mr. Hambleton's house - "...there is no denying that my client is guilty in the murders of all of those people that were mentioned in the case so far. The evidence provided by the police are undeniable. The jury would also agree that the fact that my client did commit all those murders are beyond reasonable doubt. And my client doesn't try to conceal this fact either. Right?" - the lawyer looked at the cage standing in the corner of the court room. There was sitting a man. He had chains all over him. Two policemen were guarding the cage itself. The man looked up, exchanged a stare of understanding with the lawyer and said - "I did commit those murders, sir."
Supporting Richard Stallman's Political Discourse On Sex
Blender Dumbass
👁 86 💬 2
I have been given a goldmine link by Beans which is an article from a Free Software enthusiast Drew DeVault on his distaste towards Richard Stallman's views on sex. I will be criticizing Drew DeVault's views while supporting Richard Stallman's.
Florida Book Bans Situation
Blender Dumbass
👁 87 💬 0
In Florida
Moms For Liberty together with the governor
Ron DeSantis are fighting against the woke. Or as a
different group of Moms pointed out, they are practicing fascism in a supposedly Free Country. The situation is hilarious!
AI The Intellectual Laziness Of Humans
Blender Dumbass
👁 27 💬 0
Artificial Intelligence - the last frontier of the electronics. An invention that will alter the course of evolution. For the last few billion years humans slowly evolved an organ that gave us superiority among the animal kingdom. The brain. A machine of logic, reason, curiosity and knowledge. It brought with it civilization. Before there was any civilization people would mindlessly do nothing unless afraid, hungry or horny. Every other animal today just chills most of the time. They don't have jobs. They don't have art. They don't have laws or social responsibilities. Animals are lazy. And humans are not particularly that different from other animals. Since the dawn of civilization we fought against social responsibilities. We fought against hard labor. We fought for our right to do nothing and chill all day long. We invented machine after machine. We replaced hard labor of almost every kind and all due to our superior brain. Until we reached a point where we took it upon ourselves to replace the brain too.