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[icon fc]GNU Image Manipulation Program


To replace Krita you can use GNU Image Manipulation Program since it respects the user's freedom and is also a Image Editor software, Image Converter software and Painting Program software.

Also it reads 14 of the same formats as Krita such as: GIF, GBR, GIH and JPG and saves to 12 of the same formats as Krita such as: GIF, GBR, GIH and JPG.

[icon internet] Website [icon internet] Source code [icon internet] FSD [icon internet] Wikipedia [icon internet] Documentation

[icon fc]FreeCAD


To replace Krita you can use FreeCAD since it respects the user's freedom and reads 10 of the same formats as Krita such as: BMP, CSV, GIF and JPG and saves to 11 of the same formats as Krita such as: BMP, CSV, GIF and JPG.

[icon internet] Documentation [icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website [icon internet] Wikipedia

[icon reviews]Transformers 5 is Too Good to be Good



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 27 💬 0

There is this satisfaction when it comes to animation, that I know from personal experience where the longer you work on a shot, or a sequence, the more details there is in the animation, the more satisfying it is to later just watch this insane level of effort simply wash over you one frame after another.

#transformers #MichaelBay #film #review #movies #cinemastodon #kingArthur

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