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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

November 27, 2024

👁 12

https://blenderdumbass.org/ : 👁 1
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

JYPassword is a tiny, probably terrible, password manager. It uses an encryption algorithm I wrote for fun ( not more complicated than a normal Caesar Cipher ) that is somehow broken enough that I had to write into the software a special system to recover mangledly decrypted files.

Please do not use this. Using Firefox for a password manager would be a better idea.

Happy Hacking!!!

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 26 💬 0

Imagine a situation when you have to go to school on a weekend to basically waste your morning there. Imagine that somebody wanted to make a movie about it. It would be the worst kind of movie idea imaginable. How could you even make that interesting? Well John Hughes did. The movie should not work under any circumstance, but it does. And it does so well, it's a bloody cinematic miracle.

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