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Stallman Report The Irony Of Conservative Leftists

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November 06, 2024

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The Stallman report


October 14th, 2024 Richard Stallman (aka “RMS”) is the founder of GNU and the Free Software Foundation and present-day voting member of the Free Software Foundation (FSF) board of directors and “Chief GNUisance” of the GNU project. He is responsible for innumerable contributions to the free software movement, setting its guiding principles, organizing political action, and directly contributing to a flourishing free software ecosystem. The majority of Stallman’s political activity has been of priceless value to society at large.

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Theories of conspiracy were proposed to explain the baffling re-surfacing of previously debunked criticisms of a man. A man who is by opinions of many is on the same side as those criticizing. But perhaps either those criticizing, either don't know about the man's true motive, or lost their true motive themselves, or, which isn't too far fetched of an idea, never had the motive that they claim to have had in the first place. The man is Richard Stallman. The criticism is of the man's apparent lack of conformity to the norms of sexuality. The norms which were significantly challenged, and subsequently re-established by those criticizing him. By those who had lack of conformity in the first place. By those who's lack of conformity was strong enough to establish a new conformity. A new conformity which Stallman deems not enough. A new conformity which Stallman isn't conforming to.

The Stallman Report, which is a new wave of the same old allegations is very similar in structure and presentation to the Drew DeVault's "Richard Stallman's political discourse on sex" released almost a year earlier and the infamous "Open letter to remove Richard M. Stallman from all leadership positions" that was released in 2021. The points that are brought against the man are the same in all instances, and the differences are only in style. While the "open letter" lists mostly only anecdotes of people who felt uncomfortable in the presence of Stallman, the Stallman Report is organized more as a scientific discovery with numbers and links to the original website of Richard Stallman.

The main consensus between all those criticisms and many similar ones that surfaced over decades of the man's apparent importance in the Free Software community, all tend to argue that Stallman lacks sexual conformity and commits acts of wrongful thinking when it comes to matters so personal.

The nature of those allegations combined with the source of those allegations and the subsequent source of the response is similarly counter-intuitive as the left's support of Palestine. Israel having an annual pride month with parades and other activities, allowing for way more anti-conservative sexual behavior, compared to the rest of the middle east including Gaza is a leftist Paradise. Yet the left is way more okay with Palestinians. A contradiction pointed out in a large majority by conservatives of all people, who strangely enough support Israel.

Richard Stallman's situation is kind of similarly ironic, where the left has way more issues with the man, than the right. Despite the nature of the allegations that would put Stallman as even less conservative than the left. And this perhaps is the problem.

Whoever chose to call the political dimension "Right and Left" perhaps was from the right, establishing a some sort of quasi-truth that is automatically presupposed to the right. The right's opposites in the English language are both "left" and "wrong" putting the left in a quasi-wrong state. Meaning if somebody learns about the political duality of the modern world now, they are more likely to be confused to think that the Right is the right. And the left is a some sort of anarchist group of political pirates.

Due to paternalistic ageism in families that have kids, kids that grow up to a certain age, tend to be more in-line with the idea of the left as some soft of direct protest to the right, because they want to directly protest their own restrictions posed upon them by their parents. This is called being a teenager. Those teenagers often chase an idea of freedom that is not yet fully materialized, which could be defined as any resistance to any form of oppression. Which comes with an inherent logical fallacy: by being so reactionary they don't actually posess any independence and therefor their "freedom" is only quasi-freedom, which depends solely on the decision of those oppressing.

Taking into account that all people were children at some point, it is not hard to suppose that a vast majority of the leftists are stuck in a constant battle opposing the right with all means necessary. Agreeing on anything with the right would be to lose the battle, which means that certain logic should be thrown completely out of the window. Though because the right is often so power-hungry and oppression-apologetic, the left has a certain virtuous edge to it. If the right is pro-power, the left is anti-power. Which could mean pro-freedom, but since some right is pro some freedom, the left is not pro all freedom, because how could they be. That would be agreeing with the right in some aspects.

With the example of Israel it is clear as day now why the left takes the stands with Palestine. Israel is committing way more murder and other oppression of Palestinians than what Palestinians could ever hope to cause to Israel. So in pure mathematical terms, since Israel killed more people in Gaza, than Gaza killed in Israel, Israel is the bad suppressive type that has to be fought against. Period.

Richard Stallman is the head of the GNU project and a voting member of the Free Software Foundation. Key establishments in the world of software. Which is key to life itself in the century that we are living in. Therefor Richard Stallman is in a very bad position when it comes to sympathy from the left. He has power. In order for the left to agree with the statements by Richard Stallman, Richard Stallman should not be in a top of hierarchy.

A lot of people on the right do not agree with Richard Stallman on the same topics which caused the controversy. But they are not agreeing with him for a different reason. Something like Stallman's lack of dislike for certain paraphilias such as sex with dead people makes a conservative go crazy since this is not what traditional values are supposed to represent. Extreme right would be happy to make homosexuality illegal once again, since traditionally a man is married to a woman. Anything other than that, and to some extend with more extreme form of the right, anything but sex solely in pursuit for making babies is considered un-apologetically perverse.

This is why the right is often confused when the left attacks Stallman, since his views on sex are what the right thinks the left has. Though in reality the left is not even about sex in the first place. It is about fighting power. When it comes to support for certain sexual behaviors that the right dislikes, it is because somebody dislikes it. It is because the right will oppress gay people, that the left is pro-gay. And this is how the left can be both pro so many sex stuff and also anti rape, or stuff like that in the same time. Rape is power. The right fails to see this, because for the right, the left are those that suggests that wasting sperm is a good idea.

Though here is a thing. The right lately eases off to some ideas of the left. Only the most extreme right is pro-racism. Gays are pretty much accepted by most of the right at this point and the new main thing that the right is trying to use to fight the left is by trying to use freedom itself against the left. Making the left lose the narrative edge, due to their nonacceptance of anything the right claims. The right, obviously to further right's own points of view, often criticizes censorship. Making the left be obligated to use censorship since agreeing with the right is out of the question. And the left has very good arguments to back itself up. It distinguishes between certain types of speech, some of which are accepted and some of which are not, putting the right in a position of advocating for certain "unacceptable" types of speech, forcing them to lose the virtuous edge.

For the right to win the Free Speech argument, it has to allow the left to speak and also allow anybody both of them hate to speak anything they both see as problematic. The left sees it as a problem, and for the left it is easy to see it as a problem. They cannot accept anything from the right. And since the right seemingly allowing for the spread of "misinformation" or "hate speech" or any other trendy reason the left uses for censorship, the left is by itself in a very comfy position.

But here we go back to the problem. To the logical fallacy of reactionary politics. To the left versus the true pursuit for Freedom. The right isn't pursuing freedom. It is playing a game with the left. Since the right isn't really reactionary, it can manipulate the left by choosing to support certain things that break the image of the left if one looks at it from a more logical, outside, point of view. If the right is being pro-freedom, even if a little bit, makes the left be anti-freedom, for that little bit. And the left will come up with the reasons for why they are suddenly anti-freedom, which now could be used by the right to criticize the left.

Richard Stallman takes a different approach to politics entirely. He doesn't want his thinking to be reactionary. Free Software is not about fighting huge corporations for Stallman. For a lot of the Free Software movement it is. How can one allow Microsoft or Meta to join us? They are the problem, right? No. It's not about corporations. It's about Freedom. Therefor the definition of Free Software doesn't specifically ban corporations from participating. This is a deliberate choice of not reacting, but thinking things through. Now what could the ultimate non-reactionary approach lead into?

Some time ago, people like Stallman were the left. Perhaps it was in a time when kids would not need to rebel their parents so much despite any logic. And teenagers actually grew up into adults, instead of reactionary freaks trying desperately to make the other one seem wrong no matter what. And those people like Stallman actually changed things for the better. They started the gears that moved us out of the conservative slavery into the modern semi-freedom. But the left lost its edge. And now it is a marionette in the right's hands, without realizing that it is. Some people see through the bullshit. Some people like Stallman will not automatically disagree with people because they are on the other side of the political dimension. They would think things through and decide whether it is better for Freedom in general or whether it causes more oppression. A lot of the things left does now a days to stop oppression causes more oppression. Censorship is one of those things. Perhaps an alternative way could exist. A way that stops hate speech without disallowing it. But the left doesn't want to think about it, because the right is pro-free-speech right now. Though even this is already old news. Right wing policy makers across the world started banning certain left leaning materials from children. Which is censorship. Making a lot of the left react immediately with Free Speech support. How pathetic.

Richard's views on ageism and sexual practices which are suppressed and oppressed at the moment are his way to move things forward. He genuinely tries to make people start asking whether it is time for pedophiles and necrophiliacs to start getting legalized. And his arguments are coming solidly from the perspective of Freedom. Why are we oppressing our children so much as to deny them even a possibility to develop any agency? Why are we calling things "rape" or "assault" when they are probably not that? These are the questions that Richard Stallman is asking. He wants to move forward. But unfortunately he is at a top of a hierarchy and that makes it sound like he just wants to rape people. But some half a century ago people thought this way about gay-rights activists.

Conservatives being for traditional values seem like people who want things to move backward, not to the right. And left should be the ones moving forward, like Richard Stallman. But no. Ironically with attacks like the Stallman Report, the left seems to be more conservative than they want to admit.

Happy Hacking!!!

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[avatar]  Anonymous Guest c:0

What even was the drama about. A man who likes drawing of girls accusing a man who for unorthodox views about sex?

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