Why Jews Are Successful
Blender Dumbass
September 15, 2024👁 138
https://duckduckgo.com/ : 👁 2
Like it or not, but it seems like a large majority of hate toward Jewish people stems from the rate of Jewish success, which is apparently so large, that people form conspiracy theories, which I would love to be true, about Jewish elite classes or whatever, that rig the system in favor of Jews above anyone else ( actually if I think about this hard enough something like this is theoretically possible, but it would be completely decentralized and almost utterly uncoordinated ) . The truth is perhaps anti-climatically mundane in comparison.
I can speak about my personal experience and guess what other people who came through similar things like me must have gone through. And using that I will construct my personal theory about how is that Jewish people are apparently more successful than non-Jews. As you probably already guessed I am Jewish by blood. And was raised pretty orthodox. Though I realized that this is not my life style. But as you will see, it seems that particularly that life style is the key of the success in question. And perhaps it is even possible to speculate that replicating that life-style even to some degree might make any non-Jew as successful as a Jew.
Jewish Success Myth?
First and for most I should probably address the elephant in the room. Not all Jewish people are successful! And not all of them are rich, even if they are successful. It would be tempting to talk about Steven Spielbergs all day long. But there are other Jewish-born people like Richard Stallman, for example, that aren't rich per se, but are successful in their own way. As you maybe know, Richard Stallman is quite a successful philosopher and a very good computer programmer. But not a very good entrepreneur. On the other hand I personally know very unsuccessful and pretty dumb Jewish people too. So the spectrum is quite wide. Though it does seem like at least statistically speaking a Jewish-born person is marginally more likely to succeed.
Main Habits Coming from Judaism
The first and the most important habit that I see a lot of Jews have is the skill to bend rules. You can observe this habit in Richard Stallman with the famous GNU General Public License. That kind of hacking of law, or "playful cleverness" as he might put it, is basically the main Jewish trait that I see most of us have.
There is the ethnicity of a Jew ( which is defined by being born to a Jewish mother ). And there is also a Jewish religion, which a lot of us go through. And that religion is insanely complex. You know the 10 commandments? Well forget it. The number of zeros is way above that. We have the Mishna books, and on top of those the Gemarah books and on top of those the Shulhan Aruh books and on top of those speculations upon speculations upon speculations on what is right and what is wrong to do. Which are in a way traced back to the 10 commandments. You can kind of think about it as 3 thousand years of clarification literature and arguments about those. All forming new rules as a result. Which is just so much rules to follow it is literally impossible. A lot of them are contradictory, which for sure spawns a next generation of speculative bureaucracy-like writing just for the attempt to clear up the matters. A lot of them are vague, to the point that branches are formed that take those rules in many directions. Take the beard for example. Can you cut it? Can you form it? What shape should it have? What blade can you use to cut it, if any? All those questions form separate branches of people believing one way or the other. There is a fucking 10 kilogram A3 pages book full on fine-print speculations on what is ethical to do with lice in your hair written before Jesus and containing an even finer print of speculations on those speculation, from the last 2 thousand years or so. It is insane!
The fact of the matter is, that the shier amount of stuff to follow is so large that you have to break rules all the time while in the same time be good enough at arguing your way around so it is still plausibly justified that you are still obeying those rules in the process. Meaning a lot of rules are bent without being broken, sometimes to such an extent that they don't resemble anything like what they use to resemble. We have arced rules, spiral rules, spaghettified rules and all kinds of other rules. Making the brain so creative about almost any rule that almost nothing can stop one trained in that wonderful art of legal Olympics.
For example on Shabbat Day ( Saturday ) nobody can turn on lights, or turn them off. Or do anything beside resting and eating. Even cooking is prohibited. But some use very little children to flick the lights on or off. Because up to a certain age, the child isn't really responsible to follow any of the religious rules. Therefor he is free to do all that kind of shit. Others might just ask a non-jewish to help flick a switch. The more orthodox do not watch TV. It's electricity and it's turning lights on and off. Most don't even have TV. But some bend the rule, by turning the TV on before the Saturday starts and just not touching it all day long. A lot of Jews even the most Orthodox ones use timers on lights and stuff like that. Some may use those on their TV. Especially if they know what exactly they want to watch and the times of those shows, they could just program a timer to do the switching for them. They don't press anything. So no rule is technically broken. So it's completely fine. Right?
Richard Stallman with copyleft and how utterly insane it is if you think about it, is another example, just with a different set of rules ( this time not religious, but legal ). Which just so happened to produce good results. But don't forget about it: Mark Zuckerberg is Jewish too. And the way big companies operate with lobbying and a like to bent the entire system to the will of those corporations is the same kind of bending of rules mentality. While some people will just simply do crime. Jewish people will do the same, while staying completely justified, because Jewish people have the skills to do so.
Both good people like Stallman and Spielberg ( who is by the way a freedom fighter if you carefully look at messages in his films ) and terrible people like Zuckerberg and Rothschild family ( which got through the first anti-trust lawsuit in America ) exist. It's not about being good people or bad people. Or any of that bullshit. It's about having a skill that you can learn. Yes you! The reader of this article. You can learn that skill. You just need to surround yourself with so much insanity that your head melts. And hopefully, if you get out alive, you could choose for yourself, whether you want to help humanity or cause total collapse of human rights, or do nothing and hack your TV at home.
Judaism is paradoxically a very materialistic religion. It could be reasoned that the materialism stems from the Exodus story. You know how it goes. Jews were slaves to the cool kids on the block. But then came god ( and a clever bending rules Jew that just so happened to somehow end up in the government ) and the Jews were freed. And since then Jews should show everybody that Jews are now the cool kids on the block.
The Goy-hating elitism ( which I don't deny, exists in various levels of intensity ) stems probably almost entirely from that kind of thing. Not specifically Exodus. It could be the Romans, the Spanish inquisition or the Nazis. The thing is, Jews always barely survive. And it's up to the surviving Jew to show the bad guys who is the cool kid on the block now. Other ethnic groups suffer from the same kinds of insecurities too. So we are not alone in this. Though we have dedicated a lot of the religion to this kind of flexing.
One example would be the Shabbat Kidush: Where before the supper everyone drinks wine. And at least one person drinks a full glass of wine. But not just simply full. You have to specifically fill it so much that it spills. And specifically the reason is to flex that you have apparently enough wine to spill it. Showing off in a way. Though, for example in my family my dad always used to spill the wine in such a way that he could use it later, either to drink it or to use it as sauce, or something stupid. Because why waste perfectly good wine? Right? That's the kind of bend that this rule has.
But then there are other things that are strangely materialistic. You have to give 10% of all of your earnings to charity, for example. But you cannot give more than 20%. So if you want to make good charity, you have to make 80% more money than that first for yourself. A lot of people bend those rules too. And give way more charity. Like for example: is it really charity if you benefit from it? So you could be a better person by helping people out. Only you can't. You have to keep 80% for yourself. How about making a business where you help people out with money in return for more money? That's banking! There is another rule that jews bent to invent banking. But you can kind of see how one such thing leads to another, making exponential growth of some kind utterly unavoidable.
It is really counter-intuitive, the kind of things I'm writing right now. Because with any religion there is almost never a feeling of Freedom to be had. Especially where you have a bazzilion quantilion rules that you have to follow. But perhaps this is by design and was a kind of hack in the first place.
So there was the Exodus ( or some equivalent to it ), one part of which taught Jews to flex, the other to be Free. But how? How if you have 10 commandments? Maybe the only way out of it would be to utterly bombard them with so much over-explanation, to such an extent that nothing is clear and as a result everything is possible. Technically speaking everybody is following some sort of approximation of rules. But it's so malleable and undefined that in a real sense it is practically indistinguishable from freedom.
Orthodox Jews in my area have more privacy for example, even though some preach giving passwords of your emails to your Rabbi. So he could check if you are following the rules. That is not a rule by the way. Though here is a thing, a lot of Orthodox Jews specifically in Israel refuse to have a smartphone. They even refuse to have a phone with an SMS. There are companies that specialize at manufacturing SMS-less buttoned dumb-phones. Which clears them from bad practices from so many places. From data-collection on apps ( since there are no apps ) to other things that are bad with phones. Yes, technically the service provider can still triangulate their location. But most of them pay in cash. So they would not know who that person is. And specifically for cell-tower triangulation, there are strict legal restrictions already in place. Not that those would stop a rule-bending jew, but you know what I'm talking about.
I work now in a Orthodox neighborhood. That is absolutely insane. The amount of freedom given to children, for example, to simply wonder about the town. Oh my!!! Many of them have cash or at least some kind of a credit card. I saw an 8 year old orthodox little girl buying a fucking $350 toy right in front of me. I think she was just bored or something. There were no parents around. She was there with her sister. With her younger sister. If that would happen anywhere else, it would be deemed insane. But apparently Jewish people know what's up. And they don't really subscribe that much to paternalism or any such bullshit. I mean, how on earth would you subscribe to anything if you have already so much rules that you are swimming in them, to the point the rules are literally liquid for you.
Happy Hacking!!!
Bad Boys 2 is Michael Bay's Magnum Opus
Blender Dumbass
👁 10 💬 0
Similarly to
Michael Mann's
Miami Vice Bad Boys II is about love, man... It is about how both
Will Smith and
Martin Lawrence love
Gabrielle Union. And how they are willing to do international terrorism and kill many many people, to save her. True love bro!
#BadBoys2 #BadBoys #MichaelBay #WillSmith #MartinLawrence #Bayhem #Action #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon
EFF Is Not Opposing Age Verification Hard Enough
Blender Dumbass
👁 63 💬 0
I shall complain a little bit on a stance from EFF and how I think they should be pushing harder. Not so long ago
Australia decided to ban any platform where users can upload things, to anybody who is younger than 16 years. This is an ageist,
paternalistic atrocity and has to be fought with viciousness. Yet EFF seem to only understand the secondary problems with this law.
#EFF #Australia #Ageism #Paternalism #AgeVerification #SocialMedia #Privacy #Freedom
Is Lars Von Trier Really an Edge Lord?
Blender Dumbass
👁 29 💬 0
There is a certain sense among cinephiles that the danish filmmaker
Lars Von Trier is nothing but an edge lord, making his films simply as a sort of pornography designed to outrage people. It does not help his case that his films are some of the hardest films to watch. And it doesn't help that his movies tend to touch upon uncomfortable things in very uncomfortable ways. Yet I don't believe Lars Von Trier does any of that for laughs.
#LarsVonTrier #filmmaking #film #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #horror #philosophy
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