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Mother Was Arrested for What?

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December 08, 2024

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#Freedom #Law #Philosophy #Paternalism #Kids #LetGrow #FreeRangeKids

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I have to report to you that I am doing well. I had written a few depressing articles where I complained about my lack of employment, but at the moment everything is okay. I am working in a supermarket not too far away from home. And to be completely honest with you, I have no complaints.

But here is a thing. The neighborhood where I am working right now is strange when you compare it to the rest of the world. And especially when you compare it to Georgia USA, where a Mother was a arrested for a God forsaken, absolutely unimaginably stupid reason.

But first I rather shall address those people that saw Software as one of the categories on this website, or those who saw my name on the bloody IMDb and are now wondering why am I working in a bloody supermarket to begin with! Well, my dear reader, I have already explained that in my articles. But for those of you too lazy to click on the damn link and to go and read another article of mine, here is a short and brutal explanation: I don't think I can participate in the copyright industry without being responsible for violations of some people's freedoms. Anyway...

What did that Mother in Georgia USA do, so appallingly terrible that she had to be handcuffed? I mean she should have done something very bad to warrant such a reaction. Something perhaps somewhat understandable. Right?

Let me tell you about my work. I work either as a cashier, or as a helper with self-service registers. You know... those machines in the supermarket where customers do their own cashiering. The supermarket I work at is located in the city called Bney-Berak, which is situated close to Tel-Aviv, Israel. I hope I didn't shock you with where I live.

To paint you a picture of that place, imagine streets full of ultra-orthodox Jews. Full of them. They are everywhere! But think about this. Each of them has an insane amount of children. Judaism forbids sperm-waste. So they make a lot of children. A lot! Insane amount.

So here I am, the first day in the supermarket, and what do I notice? Yes, a lot people are ultra orthodox. Nothing interesting here. But the kids... the kids. They are coming into the store, alone. They are choosing what to buy, alone. They have cash on them. A lot of it. Some have credit cards. Not debit cards. Real credit cards with a lot of money on those cards.

One 7 year old girl came to me with a bloody toy... I didn't know we sold toys... she had her, I assume, 4 or so year old sister with her, no parents, no adults. The toy wasn't small. It was a hefty box, that I had to struggle to pick up. I scanned it and it costs a shy below a thousand dollars! I thought I had to cancel a rather huge sum and that the supervisors would not be too happy about it. No! The girl had a credit card. She paid for it without thinking, took it with her sister. And they walked out of the store with it.

At first I was slightly shocked. But then similar situations happened again and again. Dozens of children everyday coming and going, buying and arguing about prices. They are not dumb. They know the law. They can argue with you about the prices. They will point at a price tags, and everything... They are not dissimilar to the adult that do pretty much the same things. There is no difference in behavior between the two age-groups, like at all. It all seems like the entire town, and by extension the supermarket I work in, is filled to the brim with actual adults that just look and sound like children.

Bney-Berak solved age-discrimination and it is beautiful to witness.

So lets compare it to Georgia USA. Shall we?

October 30, 2024. Brittany Patterson is arrested. And not just arrested. She is arrested in front of her children. Why? Why would a mother of 4 be arrested? What could she possibly do? What was the damn reason? What was the crime that warranted all this humiliation? What were the charges?

I remember I was once stranded in a different town. A town 31 kilometers away from a town I lived at, at that time. I was 14 years old. I went earlier that day to a village in the middle of Israel without asking my parents or any adults, because a girl from school in Ukraine that I used to like, came to learn in a school that was located in that village. I did not see her there. Due to a lack of communication, I didn't know that on that particular day, she went to see some other people in a different town. But anyway, it was getting late and it was an evening of the Friday ( on late evenings on Friday and throughout Saturday, Israel doesn't have buses or any public transportation because of Shabbat ). So I had to run back, or I would get stuck along the way.

The logistics were nightmarish. To get to where I was, I had to change 3 buses. The first one got me from a town I lived in 31 kilometers into a town that was a bit bigger. Which meant it had more buses to more other towns. From there, I took another bust 34 additional kilometers to a yet another town, which was already close to the damn village I wanted to be in. Which was additional 14 kilometers away. That day 14 year old me traveled almost 80 kilometers away from home, alone. It is 50 miles! And now, pressed with time, and discouraged by failure, I was to do all this road back again. Because if I fail to get home in time, I'll get stuck for a day somewhere along the way.

I got stuck in the last town, 31 kilometers away from home. Shabbat hit and no public transportation was available. I tried negotiating with a Taxi driver. But he wanted way too much money for my drive back home. So being completely defeated I decided that it would not be such a long road to make by foot.

OpenStreetMap calculates the journey to take about 7 hours. It would be way into the night when I'd arrive. But I had no choice. I had to do something. So step by step I started walking, like some kind of a child character in a Charles Dickens novel. Along the way about 5 hours into the walk, a police patrol car stopped me, asked me if I was alright, and asked me if I needed help to get to the town I was going to. She gave me a free lift. I am still thankful to that wonderful police-lady. I was exhausted. And it was very dark.

Nothing beyond the lift happened. She just let me go at the entrance of the town, and drove away. She didn't want to know my name or my parent's names. She just literally wanted to help me do the road. And it was it.

Compare it to Georgia USA. An 11 old boy, yes a bit younger than I was, but not too younger, walks around the neighborhood and wonders into a town nearby. One article about this situation called it being "not quite a mile from his house", so about 1.6 kilometers max. It was in the middle of the day in a calm time and with plenty of ways to come back home.

Police was called about the kid. They asked him if he was okay and so on and so forth. And then took him home. But in his case, the mother was arrested!

Yes. She was arrested for letting her boy decide for himself where to wander about. Imagine how absolutely terrified people in Georgia USA would be to learn about the place I work or the journey I took as a kid!

What nonsense! The sheriff lady of course started talking about all the evils in the world and imagining all kinds of boogieman and stuff... oh the boy could have been kidnapped! ... oh the boy could have been ran over! Come on!!! Where is the damn Freedom that you are talking so much about if your child cannot walk a mile away from home without parents being persecuted for fucking child abuse!!! Are you even serious?!

How can you complain about the youth being apparently lazy and impossible, when you treat you children like this? How can you expect anybody to grow up if you put them into a prison and hold them there until it is too late to learn anything? Are you nuts?!

Anyway... Now that I took this out of my system and made you suffer though my ranty blabbering, I guess, on this note of absolute insanity I can close this article and proceed to doing something potentially not as traumatizing. I hope you enjoyed it. And... well...

Happy Hacking!!!

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