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Wrong Hate

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

January 28, 2023

👁 57

https://blenderdumbass.org/films : 👁 2

Wrong Hate is a movie project that I was trying to do when I was 16-17 years old. The story revolves around a future war where huge building-size robots fight to death. But unlike similar movies where the focus of the action is on the robots. In this film, the focus is on the family that is trying to survive the mayhem.

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There is a blogger blog about the project. If you want to read it, you are welcome. But be aware that blogger is a google based service. So they will sneak a bunch of bad JavaScript into the page.

Blogger Blog

Rough history of the project

In 2012 I was still heavily working on Sinking In The Fire's backgrounds on my mom's laptop. Toward the summer, my mom moved to a different neighborhood with her new boyfriend ( that didn't like me ) which made seeing the computer hard. I would visit her once in a while, but not be able to do anything of value at her house. Later towards the start of 2013 she moved yet again, into a place where I could get a room and live with her. I moved with her. Some time later I received from her and her boyfriend a present in a form of a laptop. This was a very crucial computer in the Wrong Hate project. If you read my story, I talked there about a file that was hard on the computer under windows ( which was it's default system ), but when I installed Ubuntu on it, the computer seemed to suddenly not care about the file at all and it ran smoothly. Here are renders from the file in question:

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According to the Blog linked above, these renders were done on February 9, 2014. Which is about half a year since the project started. In September of 2013 ( if I remember correctly ) I went back to school. When I was 15 I spent a year out of School. Meaning I wasn't learning for a year in any place at all. And I liked my freedom, but the government forced my mother to put me into some school. We looked into a few. And found one toward the city center in Tzfat that had a different structure than a regular school. For example they didn't have classes. And they didn't have homework. I loved that place.

There I met with a guy named Maor. Here is me and Maor. I hope he doesn't mind me putting this picture out there. Maor is in red. I'm the guy with crappy headphones.

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He was a few years older than me and had a very big fascination with film. His bigger brother worked as a photographer or videographer if I remember correctly. Anyway I showed Maor blender and we talked about maybe that I could teach him blender. I've given him a few lessons.

Together we though of a project about a depressive guy that was sitting on a shore and about to kill himself. When suddenly a robot would appear from behind and the guy would turn his attention to the robot. It was supposed to be a minute long very short short-film.

I asked myself - "Why would he want to kill the robot?" - and - "Why is he suicidal?" - and an obvious answer was that the robot killed his son. Therefor there supposed to be a flashback scene where we can see the son being taken by the robot.

Being still completely crazy, I wanted to still make the apartment digital, like in Sinking In The Fire. So there goes those two renders of an apartment. I was extremely proud of that work. It looks leagues better than the apartment for Sinking In The Fire. But there were still problems.

For example the exterior didn't looked nearly as good as the interior.

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And it was kind of pointless to make those digitally if I could simply shoot something like this in real life. The background looked completely normal apart from a bit of neon here and there. So either I do that for real and simplify the process, or I make something far more futuristic.

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Here is a plan of a new apartment. Specifically designed as a circle to be more futuristic. The red grid should represent meters.

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Here is a render of the interior. As you can see, even though it's a futuristic house, it's not epic. It's quite small. I thought that every floor of the building will be it's own apartment. And that every apartment could rotate around the elevator shaft. So you could position your window to or from the sun, or look into any direction that you would like to look. Making more than one apartment per floor would have made this feature very annoying for neighbors.

This rotating of the floor made it into the rewrite. Which included it into the action. And by this point a small movie where a guy simply shoots a robot became a crazy plot for at least 40 minutes of screen-time. There was suddenly the politics of the future. The position of the main family. The fact that the boy is not killed, but rather saved from the war by a robot that's pretending to be on the other side. And that killing him would be "Wrong Hate". And a bunch of other things. Slowly it grew and grew that now I think I'd rather make a full length feature film out of this material.

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This is Samuel Walker ( Shmuel Shagalov ). One of my dearest friends. Him I cast as the main character of the movie. And we even shot one shot of the film together.

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This render is dated already December 16, 2014. Here is a version from December 10th.

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I remember him coming to my house. I put him to the floor, dropped water on him, making him swear on me a lot, and we shot a few takes of this shot. Of course I could have gone outside and make a small fire for the background. But man... I wanted to do everything using a green-screen at that time.

Later I made a 3D model of him for shots where I could get away with only a 3D model. This 3D model later appeared as a driver of the police car in The Package, The Car & The Time Is Running Out.

Roughly by April of 2015 I had the kid assigned to the project. I had made a 3D model of him too. But later his mom changed her mind about his involvement in the project. She thought that it would give her son a bad kind of publicity. Where people would be too jealous of him and therefor cause him trouble.

And later I moved away from that place entirely. So the project is now kind of in a state of limbo. It's technically not over. But it's not going either. It's pending. Maybe one day I will continue it.

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