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[icon articles]Gamedev Makes You Better at Math



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 52 💬 4

When I started with Dani's Race I thought that the extend of my programming will be something like dynamically changing the speed of a car and maybe loading and unloading certain things on the map based on the distance from them. But quickly it became a mind-field of math and other programming cleverness. About which I will talk to you in this article

#Gamedev #DanisRace #Math #Programming #Python #UPBGE #Blender3d #GNU #Linux #GamingOnLinux #FreeSoftware #OpenSource

[icon articles]Libre Games and Making Money: Introducing Petitions



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 101 💬 4

Most Free / Libre Software projects are maintained either by strong communities, or through some kind of donation system. Libre Games struggle with both aspects. There are community driven games, but those lack vision and coherent style, because different people contribute differently, on different skill levels and with different stylistic choices. And no corporation is benefiting from existence of libre games, therefor no serious donations are ever expected to be coming their way.

With the petitions idea, which could also be described as some sort of "reverse crowd-funding", I want to try to give Libre Games a chance at sustainability. Which if successful could make Libre Software as a whole more appealing. And perhaps do some good in the world.

#Libre #FreeSoftware #LibreGames #Userfreedom #Money #Business #Finance #Gaming #Gamedev #GamingOnLinux #Gnu #Linux #SteamDeck #Petition

[icon articles]Story Without Cutscenes in Dani's Race



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 59 💬 3

The challenge for Dani's Race is deliberately not to be a movie. As in the game should not have cuts, nor there ever should be a moment when the player loses control over the character. Yet through all those limitations I want to continue a story I started in an actual movie. Which is kind of complicated.

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #Gamedev #UPBGE #blender3d #animation #GTAClone #programming #project #Story #Storytelling #Gnu #Linux #Freesoftware #OpenSource

[icon articles]Making Breakable Cars in Video Games



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 146 💬 0

We all love some mayhem when it comes to playing games. And nothing makes car games more satisfying than damage models. RockStar Games understood it early on, and all GTA games have breakable cars. Today some of the most popular car games like BeamNG.drive holding on a realism of damage models almost solely. And therefor for me, making Dani's Race any other way, would have not been a good idea. I knew I had to make the cars in my game breakable.

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #Gamedev #UPBGE #blender3d #animation #GTAClone #programming #project #cars #damage #Gnu #Linux #Freesoftware #OpenSource

[icon articles]Dani's Race v2024-09-25 is finally released!



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 35 💬 2

Thank you to all those people who signed the petition. You made it so now Dani's Race v2024-09-25 is finally available to the public to download, play and explore.

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #UPBGE #blender3d #project #gnu #linux #FreeSoftware #OpenSource

[icon articles]The Incels of Computing: The Depressive Defense Mechanisms of Free Software



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 215 💬 2

With all the progress that has been done with liberating the digital space there is a sense of self defeating, depression. A kind of defense mechanism of sorts. As if the people settled for something and gave up trying to do anything else. Which in itself causing lack of morale, lack of vision, and with it lack of actual movement.

#FreeSoftware #UserFreedom #GNU #Linux #OpenSource #Freedom #Tech #Computers #Gaming #Gamedev #Depression #MentalHealth

[icon articles]Huge! Speed Dreams is Now on Git



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 129 💬 13

And I'm happy to tell you that Speed Dreams announced today that they are finally moving to Git. This is huge!

#SpeedDreams #gamedev #FreeSoftware #Gnu #Linux #OpenSource #gaming #SimRacing #Git #Programming

[icon articles]So I Cleaned Up Some Spaghetti from Dani's Race Code



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 116 💬 0

A few days ago I had told you that I'm stopping with making the police station in my game Dani's Race because it had a Spaghetti Code Problem. The main() function in the Main_Update.py file was 1683 lines of code long and contained way too many things in it. At the moment, the same function is down to 641 lines of code. This is still way too much stuff in the main() but this is a hell of a lot of reduction.

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #GameDev #FreeSoftware #Gnu #Linux #OpenSource #GtaClone #Programming #Python #SpaghettiCode #UPBGE #blender3d

[icon articles]The Spaghetti Code Of Dani's Race



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 177 💬 1

Spaghetti code! The insidious thing that often happens even to the best of us. No wander that it happened to me. When programming you want to break your code into functions that could be called from many other places. Doing everything as one large function is a problem, because sometimes you might want to do the same operation or the same check, or whatever, again in another place, and that will require you to copy paste large chunks of code. And if suddenly you decide to change something about those checks, or functions, you have to change that something in all those places one after another. Dani's Race my game, has a bit of a Spaghetti code problem.

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #GameDev #FreeSoftware #Gnu #Linux #OpenSource #GtaClone #Programming #Python #SpaghettiCode #UPBGE #blender3d

[icon articles]The Challenge of Writing NPC Characters for Games



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 123 💬 1

I'm developing a game called Dani's Race, which is supposed to be a GTA clone. A game where you can run around a city and cause all kinds of mayhem. And a humongous part of the experience of such a sandbox world simulator are the reactions from the in-game non-playable characters. If you steal a car, what will be the reaction of the driver? What will the police in the game do? What will other drivers do if you hit them on the road? All of this is a part of my daily problem-solving when working on Dani's Race.

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #GameDev #FreeSoftware #Gnu #Linux #OpenSource #GtaClone #Programming #UPBGE #blender3d

[icon articles]Never Trust Proprietary Software With Security



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 124 💬 1

There is a person on the inter-webs, who dedicated himself to reviews on security devices. His name is Lock Picking Lawyer and he showcases how secure real life locks are. In his video 1543 he reviewed a rather peculiar security feature on a lock from ABUS. Which is strengthening itself not by building some clever mechanism that is hard to bypass, but rather, uses law, to make bypassing it more illegal than it already is. They made the key-way ( and by extension the key ) to be shaped as the trademarked logo of the company. Therefor producing or distributing blanks for this lock would be a violation of the trademark law. Using proprietary software for security is doing the same mistake as trusting this lock by ABUS.

#freesoftware #userfreedom #malware #security #privacy #gnu #linux #opensource

[icon articles]Help Us Hack The Software Industry!!!



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 86 💬 2

To Free Windows we need to use GNU / Linux.

#FreeSoftware #UserFreedom #Privacy #GNU #Linux #OpenSource

[icon articles]Dani's Race Franzo Livestream Report


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 38 💬 0

Yesterday ( 5th October 2024 ) Franzo from opensource_gaming did a livestream of a game I am developing called Dani's Race.

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #GameDev #FreeSoftware #Gnu #Linux #OpenSource #GtaClone #Programming #Python #UPBGE #blender3d #Franzo #Livestream

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