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Huge! Speed Dreams is Now on Git

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

December 31, 2024

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#SpeedDreams #gamedev #FreeSoftware #Gnu #Linux #OpenSource #gaming #SimRacing #Git #Programming

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We in the Free Software World have a competition problem when it comes to video games. Almost every piece of serious software has a Free Competitor, but not games. And this is why people are so reluctant to move to GNU / Linux or Free Software only way of life. They don't want to miss on one of the most important ( for them ) features of a computer - gaming.

We have our fair share of good games, from Super Tux Kart to Veloren to promising startups like Wasted. But that is not enough to convince the general public that they can do their gaming in Free Software too.

I'm personally tackling the problem of a Free Software GTA clone with Dani's Race, but there is another project that I would love to succeed at tackling the sim-racing genre, and it is Speed Dreams.

And I'm happy to tell you that they announced today that they are finally moving to Git.

[embedded image]

Why is this Huge?

When people think of Free Software they often think of source code on GitHub. This is not a very good thing, because GitHub is not the only Git and Git is not the only version control. But since Github and by extension Git is so popular, and so many people who develop know at least how to use Git to some extend, it is very good that the best shot at a good Free Software racing simulator for GNU / Linux is on Git and not something else.

For the longest time Speed Dreams used Apache Subversion ( SVN ) which not a lot of people know how to use. Try doing:

git clone https://svn.code.sf.net/p/speed-dreams/code/trunk/

Most people will not know that this source repository isn't Git. And therefor cloning it like this is not possible. Git will simply return an error. But instead if you do:

git clone https://forge.a-lec.org/speed-dreams/speed-dreams-code

...which uses the new Git repository of the project, it will work like a charm. Enabling anybody who has the minimal software development experience to mess with the code, do changes and subsequently help with development.

I urged Speed Dreams developers to think big, to try to compete at least somewhat. Now with the move to Git they might have a bigger chance of going so.

So if you want to help Speed Dreams and Free Software as a whole, take a look at their Source Code and...

Happy Hacking!!!

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[avatar]  randomdude c:0

In my opinion Speed Dreams is in a new stage that will attract new developers given the easier development control of the project and an open, growing and comunicative community!

... replies ( 1 )

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:1

... c:0
[avatar]  randomdude c:0

In my opinion Speed Dreams is in a new stage that will attract new developers given the easier development control of the project and an open, growing and comunicative community!


... replies ( 2 )
[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:11


@Xavi Hm... interesting idea.

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:12


@Xavi I'm trying to reach Franzo from OpenSourceGaming. This is his kind of stream-content.

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[avatar]  cptbichez c:2

glad they do and they using Forgejo as forge system which is a BETTER NEWS. Another win for Free Software!
But on thinking big that might be not the way where that project goes. they are the free competitor of iRacing

... replies ( 1 )
[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:3

@cptbichez It is true that Speed Dreams is trying to be this very serious thing. But think about it. It is Free Software. It can be forked into different directions. And there will not be anything terrible with having a city traffic simulator, for example, with the physics and handling of Speed Dreams. Or something.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:3

... c:2
[avatar]  cptbichez c:2

glad they do and they using Forgejo as forge system which is a BETTER NEWS. Another win for Free Software!
But on thinking big that might be not the way where that project goes. they are the free competitor of iRacing

@cptbichez It is true that Speed Dreams is trying to be this very serious thing. But think about it. It is Free Software. It can be forked into different directions. And there will not be anything terrible with having a city traffic simulator, for example, with the physics and handling of Speed Dreams. Or something.

... replies ( 1 )
[avatar]  cptbichez c:4

Thats very true! as some kind of Forza Horizon/Motorsport but entirely Free Software! That would be SO COOL, hope Speed Dreams will gain more visibility and people in their community. so we could have Speed Dreams -Open Map- too someday

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[avatar]  cptbichez c:4

... c:3
[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:3


@cptbichez It is true that Speed Dreams is trying to be this very serious thing. But think about it. It is Free Software. It can be forked into different directions. And there will not be anything terrible with having a city traffic simulator, for example, with the physics and handling of Speed Dreams. Or something.

Thats very true! as some kind of Forza Horizon/Motorsport but entirely Free Software! That would be SO COOL, hope Speed Dreams will gain more visibility and people in their community. so we could have Speed Dreams -Open Map- too someday

... replies ( 2 )
[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:5


Open Map

Hm... Now think what kind of a mental thing it could be if they actually do OpenStreetMap based map generation for Open World. Like you could drive around the entire globe! On real streets!

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:6

@cptbichez Just testing that multiple replies will work.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:5

... c:4
[avatar]  cptbichez c:4


Thats very true! as some kind of Forza Horizon/Motorsport but entirely Free Software! That would be SO COOL, hope Speed Dreams will gain more visibility and people in their community. so we could have Speed Dreams -Open Map- too someday


Open Map

Hm... Now think what kind of a mental thing it could be if they actually do OpenStreetMap based map generation for Open World. Like you could drive around the entire globe! On real streets!

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:6

... c:4
[avatar]  cptbichez c:4


Thats very true! as some kind of Forza Horizon/Motorsport but entirely Free Software! That would be SO COOL, hope Speed Dreams will gain more visibility and people in their community. so we could have Speed Dreams -Open Map- too someday

@cptbichez Just testing that multiple replies will work.

... replies ( 1 )

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:7

... c:6
[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:6


@cptbichez Just testing that multiple replies will work.

@blenderdumbass It does.

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[avatar]  Xavi c:8

Thank you very much for your article and nice words! ❤ We have been working very hard to reach this goal. Unfortunately, this was not only about running git svn and calling it for a day! We had to fix several underlying design issues in the engine that were blocking us from a clean and efficient transition to Git. 😰

But now we are truly excited to see that this is finally becoming a reality. 🎉 We hope that this ultimately attracts new users, developers and packagers to our community!

... replies ( 1 )
[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:9

@Xavi It would have been great to know the intricate details about the struggles of moving over. Maybe material for another article.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:9

... c:8
[avatar]  Xavi c:8

Thank you very much for your article and nice words! ❤ We have been working very hard to reach this goal. Unfortunately, this was not only about running git svn and calling it for a day! We had to fix several underlying design issues in the engine that were blocking us from a clean and efficient transition to Git. 😰

But now we are truly excited to see that this is finally becoming a reality. 🎉 We hope that this ultimately attracts new users, developers and packagers to our community!

@Xavi It would have been great to know the intricate details about the struggles of moving over. Maybe material for another article.

... replies ( 1 )
[avatar]  Xavi c:10

@blenderdumbass our latest article https://www.speed-dreams.net/en/blog/saying-goodbye-to-2024 explains some of these details (have a look at "Reducing the repository size", specifically), but there was so much stuff going on that the article would had become excruciatingly long and boring for readers otherwise. 😅

That said, explaining them more interactively (podcast? Livestreaming?) might be more interesting for developers.

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[avatar]  Xavi c:10

... c:9
[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:9


@Xavi It would have been great to know the intricate details about the struggles of moving over. Maybe material for another article.

@blenderdumbass our latest article https://www.speed-dreams.net/en/blog/saying-goodbye-to-2024 explains some of these details (have a look at "Reducing the repository size", specifically), but there was so much stuff going on that the article would had become excruciatingly long and boring for readers otherwise. 😅

That said, explaining them more interactively (podcast? Livestreaming?) might be more interesting for developers.

... replies ( 2 )
[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:11

@Xavi Hm... interesting idea.

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:12

@Xavi I'm trying to reach Franzo from OpenSourceGaming. This is his kind of stream-content.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:11

... c:10
[avatar]  Xavi c:10


@blenderdumbass our latest article https://www.speed-dreams.net/en/blog/saying-goodbye-to-2024 explains some of these details (have a look at "Reducing the repository size", specifically), but there was so much stuff going on that the article would had become excruciatingly long and boring for readers otherwise. 😅

That said, explaining them more interactively (podcast? Livestreaming?) might be more interesting for developers.

@Xavi Hm... interesting idea.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:12

... c:10
[avatar]  Xavi c:10


@blenderdumbass our latest article https://www.speed-dreams.net/en/blog/saying-goodbye-to-2024 explains some of these details (have a look at "Reducing the repository size", specifically), but there was so much stuff going on that the article would had become excruciatingly long and boring for readers otherwise. 😅

That said, explaining them more interactively (podcast? Livestreaming?) might be more interesting for developers.

@Xavi I'm trying to reach Franzo from OpenSourceGaming. This is his kind of stream-content.

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[icon malware]Subscription



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 32 💬 2

Though unfortunately Subscriptions in software today are the norm, they are a malicious functionality. Any software that you already have installed should work whenever you want it to work. Having a timer implemented in it, so it will refuse to work, unless you pay every once in a while, is malicious.

[icon petitions]Release: Dani's Race v2025-01-19



245 / 250 Signatures

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 123 💬 0

Dani's Race version 2025-01-19

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #UPBGE #blender3d #project #petition #release

[icon articles]Story Without Cutscenes in Dani's Race



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 63 💬 3

The challenge for Dani's Race is deliberately not to be a movie. As in the game should not have cuts, nor there ever should be a moment when the player loses control over the character. Yet through all those limitations I want to continue a story I started in an actual movie. Which is kind of complicated.

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #Gamedev #UPBGE #blender3d #animation #GTAClone #programming #project #Story #Storytelling #Gnu #Linux #Freesoftware #OpenSource

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