Dani's Race
Blender Dumbass
July 24, 2024👁 193
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#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #UPBGE #blender3d #animation #GTAClone #programming #project
Continuing the saga of
Moria and Dani, Dani's Race is a Free / Libre video game, where you play as the brother of the main character of Moria's Race, Dani. And go with him on various adventures in the Dune Town.
For Moria's Race ( a prequel short film to Dani's Race ) a whole city was modeled. So a decision was made to use that same whole city for the world of Dani's Race. Unlike other Free / Libre racing games, where each racetrack is its own model. Every racing or other event in Dani's Race is happening in the same world. And therefor there are no transitions between roaming around and doing a mission.
Expanding upon Moria's Race, Dani's Race introduces more concepts that were only vaguely referenced in the movie. The garage that was seen only from the outside now accessible and with that a whole range of vehicle modifications are accessible too.
This game contains surprisingly intense racing events. Due to the game being Open World, the racing evens are checkpoint based. And the player can do any number of other things while the race is happening.
Since there were a few crashes in the movie this game is based on, the game has a damage model for the vehicles, which is not trivial. Cars are separated into parts, each with their own health. And some part effect steering and performance more than others.
Since the game is a continuation of the movie, it has a story too. And because the game is Open World it is an extra challenge for us to make the story as seamless with the game world as possible. There are no cut scenes, no loading screens. The story beats just happen naturally within the game world.
The game is based on a film and therefor it makes all of the sense to include a working cinema, where player could watch films. But the cinema is not limited to the Moria's Race movie. You can play there any video from your computer.
Even thought the game is designed to be played in the single player mode, there is a multiplayer mode that you can access to play together with your friends.
The game is not a low stakes racer. Police is patrolling the town, and will chase you for you shenanigans. And it is especially fun during races.
Project Goals
Free / Libre AAA Game. Aim higher than you can reach to reach your highest. The game is envisioned as a triple-A gaming experience, but in a
Free / Libre package. Most
Libre Games are limited in scope and feel very small and barely noticeable. Dani's Race with its Open World, breakable cars and Story aims at showing that Libre games also can be impressive. In this way, the game hopefully will invite more people into the Free / Libre Software community.
Continuing Moria's Race. Since the game is a continuation of
a libre film project it deals with similar subject matter. As in, with adult's perception of children's uselessness. The game is setup to give a character of Paps ( the father ) an arc where, by your playing, he stops treating Moria's win as some kind of coincidence, or believing that it came from something other than her skill, and starts respecting his kids, Moria and Dani, who you play in this game.
Testing Petitions.
It's hard to make money with Libre and yet it is not impossible. More than that, if it could be lucrative, proprietary software will lose their arguments for oppression. And we could demand all of them to become libre. Dani's Race aims at developing a way for Libre Games ( the hardest Libre Software to make money with ) to become hopefully lucrative, without compromising on it being Libre.
System Requirements
The game is being developed on the following system ( with a target for a stable 30 FPS on good looking graphical settings ):
- RAM: 32 GB
- CPU: 12th Gen Intel i7-12700F with 20 cores and 4.800GHz
- GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 6700 XT with 12 GB VRAM ( using the driver which is built into the Linux Kernel 6.9.3
Yet, looking at how much the game actually uses the following requirements should be possible ( not counting the operating system itself ):
- RAM: 3.9 GB
- GPU: 2.9 GB VRAM
If you want to max out all the settings, I don't believe there is a computer capable of playing this game yet. You can technically use a full path tracer ( available in the game engine ) to render the game. But that will be a frame every few minutes. Not multiple frames a second.
To run the game you need 3 things:
- The
game package itself.
- The
UPBGE game engine.
- A
GNU / Linux operating system.
UPBGE is the game engine used for the game. Until the game is fully finished, or at least sufficiently finished, it will not be packaged together with the game engine.
GNU / Linux is the operating system for which the game is developed. The game can technically run on other systems. There are people that were successful at running it on Windows. But it is not designed for those other operating systems. So some manual tweaking will be required to make it work.
On the system the following things should be installed:
Python3 ( usually preinstalled on GNU / Linux )
GTK3 ( usually preinstalled on GNU / Linux )
PyGObject is used for the main GTK launcher app. Some systems do not have it preinstalled. It is technically possible to play the game without the launcher app, in which case all of the settings will need to be done manually, by editing the config files.
X.Org is needed because there is no full support yet for Wayland in the UPBGE game engine. And some functions simply do not work as intended. For example, mouse inputs will be all wrong. Some people are capable of running the game on Wayland. But X.Org is highly recommended.
To run the launcher,
navigate in the terminal to the game's folder and from there type:
$ python3 run.py
It should open a launcher that looks like this ( or some variation of it ):
If you are just starting the game for the first time, you need to tell it where the UPBGE engine is installed. Unless you installed it properly into the system. I usually have UPBGE and other different versions of Blender ( on which its based ) in a separate folder.
In the settings, the first thing you'll see will be the location of your UPBGE's
executable. This is the program in the engine that actually runs the game.
Version 2025-01-19 the game will automatically put itself into the operating system menu / app launcher thingy. If you are using an older version of the game you can set it up manually by adding a
.Desktop file.