[icon ] blenderdumbass . org [icon bug] Malware


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

October 03, 2023

👁 37

A Jail is any operating system that has to be Jail-broken to install applications not approved by the developer.

This comment thread is for people to document various implementations of this malicious feature.

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The GNU.ORG list on this same topic.

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[icon games]I'm Not Even Human ( The Game )


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 29 💬 0

I'm Not Even Human is a dystopian short film I directed in 2018. I'm Not Even Human ( The Game ) is a game in the same universe and with same characters as I'm Not Even Human. The game is done in pixel art style drawn primarily by ayyzee ( ayyzee.net ). The game engine is written almost from scratch by me. Using python, GTK and Cairo.

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