Digital Safety Guide
Blender Dumbass
December 07, 2024👁 27 : 👁 2 : 👁 3 : 👁 1 : 👁 2 : 👁 1 : 👁 1 : 👁 1 : 👁 1
Not satisfied with the underwhelming reactions to the
4 freedoms poster I decided to make a bigger info-graphic sparing me repetitive, redundant, re-explanations of the same old evils of
proprietary software. In theory the poster would do the job for me, listing a few types of
malware and presenting a few
Free Software competitors to replace the malicious software with. Potentially opening up a whole new path of discovery for the reader.
Unlike with the 4 freedoms poster, convincing people to help translate it was a challenge, so for some time, I provided the only translations, in languages that I personally know. Subsequently, the GNU project, published the poster and I received a previously unknown to me Spanish version that changes a few things ( including a few design decisions ), but is generally very good, I think.
Sources containing my original English, Hebrew and Russian posters and containing a Telugu ( Indian Language ) version which I made with a help of online translators, about which I am not very proud. But we had a person at work who can only read Telugu so I thought I had to make a version for this person.
GNU Project Publication containing a version with some type fixes and containing the Spanish version that I talked about.
Free Competitors
The poster's last section with software replacements inspired me to start developing a website where you could use like a search engine that will find you software that does the same job, which is Free.
Main Page About Free Competitors.
Free Competitors is accessible through the
search on this website.