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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

December 07, 2024

👁 18

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https://bloat.freesoftwareextremist.com/ : 👁 1
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike

Not satisfied with the underwhelming reactions to the 4 freedoms poster I decided to make a bigger info-graphic sparing me repetitive, redundant, re-explanations of the same old evils of proprietary software. In theory the poster would do the job for me, listing a few types of malware and presenting a few Free Software competitors to replace the malicious software with. Potentially opening up a whole new path of discovery for the reader.

Unlike with the 4 freedoms poster, convincing people to help translate it was a challenge, so for some time, I provided the only translations, in languages that I personally know. Subsequently, the GNU project, published the poster and I received a previously unknown to me Spanish version that changes a few things ( including a few design decisions ), but is generally very good, I think.


Sources containing my original English, Hebrew and Russian posters and containing a Telugu ( Indian Language ) version which I made with a help of online translators, about which I am not very proud. But we had a person at work who can only read Telugu so I thought I had to make a version for this person.

GNU Project Publication containing a version with some type fixes and containing the Spanish version that I talked about.

Free Competitors

The poster's last section with software replacements inspired me to start developing a website where you could use like a search engine that will find you software that does the same job, which is Free.

Main Page About Free Competitors.

Free Competitors is accessible through the search on this website.

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[avatar]  Anonymous Guest c:0

element includes non-free software

specifically it connects to some proprietary web app and runs proprietary javascript by default https://github.com/element-hq/element-integration-manager/issues/86

there are no plans to free the proprietary code that runs by default.

... replies ( 1 )
[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:1

Anonymous Guest is the issue with the software running on the client side or the server? And is that a problem with the protocol of matrix, or just the main official built of element?

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:1

... c:0
[avatar]  Anonymous Guest c:0

element includes non-free software

specifically it connects to some proprietary web app and runs proprietary javascript by default https://github.com/element-hq/element-integration-manager/issues/86

there are no plans to free the proprietary code that runs by default.

Anonymous Guest is the issue with the software running on the client side or the server? And is that a problem with the protocol of matrix, or just the main official built of element?

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[icon articles]Julian Assange vs Josiah Mizukami


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

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Imagine being locked up in prison for something that's legal. And not even merely legal. For something that is a human right. There is this very small human right, I don't know if you know about it, it's called the Freedom Of Speech. An ability to express your opinion without being persecuted for it. And it's more than essential. It's the cornerstone of things like Freedom in general. Sometimes though bad people that are trying to persecute you for this anyway - are smart. And they will look for any other way of shutting you up if this one is not available for them. Good example is Julian Assange. Not so good example could potentially be Josiah Mizukami.

[icon petitions]Release: Dani's Race v25-09-24



27 / 30 Signatures

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

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Dani's Race version 25-09-24

#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #UPBGE #blender3d #project #petition #release

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