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[icon articles]Michael Bay is a Properly Good Director and I Will Stand by it Because it is True



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 19 💬 2

It seems like the entire world of film-enthusiasts came together and decided to bully one person for no reason what so ever. And that one person is Michael Bay.

#MichaelBay #Cinema #Film #Filmmaking #Auteur #Action #Transformers #BadBoys

[icon articles]Is Lars Von Trier Really an Edge Lord?



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 44 💬 0

There is a certain sense among cinephiles that the danish filmmaker Lars Von Trier is nothing but an edge lord, making his films simply as a sort of pornography designed to outrage people. It does not help his case that his films are some of the hardest films to watch. And it doesn't help that his movies tend to touch upon uncomfortable things in very uncomfortable ways. Yet I don't believe Lars Von Trier does any of that for laughs.

#LarsVonTrier #filmmaking #film #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #horror #philosophy

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