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[icon reviews]Melancholia is the best Science Fiction Film Ever



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 4 💬 0

I don't think you think of Science Fiction often when thinking about Lars Von Trier. Yet, his 2011 masterpiece Melancholia is one of, if not the best, science fiction film(s) ever.

#melancholia #depression #mentalhealth #film #movies #cinemastodon #sciencefiction #scifi #larsvontrier #review #KirstenDunst #BradyCorbet #TheBrutalist

[icon articles]The Incels of Computing: The Depressive Defense Mechanisms of Free Software



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 223 💬 2

With all the progress that has been done with liberating the digital space there is a sense of self defeating, depression. A kind of defense mechanism of sorts. As if the people settled for something and gave up trying to do anything else. Which in itself causing lack of morale, lack of vision, and with it lack of actual movement.

#FreeSoftware #UserFreedom #GNU #Linux #OpenSource #Freedom #Tech #Computers #Gaming #Gamedev #Depression #MentalHealth

[icon reviews]How The Fabelmans Traumatized Me



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 88 💬 1

I remember sitting at the entrance to a local cinema near me, shivering from a new kind of depression. I was waiting to enter the screening of Avatar: The Way Of Water, which was released in cinema just after The Fabelmans. The previous film I have seen in that very cinema, maybe already a week before that, was The Fabelmans and that dreadful feeling I had was caused by that movie. I was committing an act of masochism going back to cinema right after the trauma I experienced, and I was pretty sure Avatar 2 would only make it worse. I didn't care. I went anyway. Thank god that James Cameron decided to limit references to himself to a few nods to Titanic and stuff, and instead made a movie that is pretty much designed as a joyride. I don't know if I was alive today if Avatar 2 was anything like The Fabelmans.

#TheFabelmans #Spielberg #StevenSpielberg #FilmReview #Film #Review #JuliaButters #FilmMaking #Cinemastodon #FreeSoftware #Depression #MentalHealth

[icon articles]That Insidious Feeling of Working a Job Below You



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 58 💬 1

Something along the lines of 75% of all humans are tasked with mindless work, which is often pretty much decorative and is there only to facilitate a certain governmental goal of employment. Basically non of us are doing anything actually useful and we are all struggling because of it. And I often feel depressed doing such jobs, yet there is seemingly no obvious road to escape them.


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