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[icon fc]Rigs of Rods


To replace SuperTuxKart you can use Rigs of Rods since it respects the user's freedom and is also a Racing Game software.

[icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website

[icon fc]Speed Dreams


To replace SuperTuxKart you can use Speed Dreams since it respects the user's freedom and is also a Racing Game software.

[icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website [icon internet] Wikipedia

[icon fc]Dani's Race


To replace SuperTuxKart you can use Dani's Race since it respects the user's freedom and is also a Racing Game software.

[icon internet] Chatroom [icon internet] Source code [icon internet] Website

[icon reviews]Avatar: The Way of Water is a sublime experience



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 23 💬 0

I made myself review both Avatar movies in one day, which was something I had to do to see the progress, or lack thereof of James Cameron. And there is progress. A lot of it!

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