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[icon articles]Never Trust Proprietary Software With Security



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 67 💬 1

There is a person on the inter-webs, who dedicated himself to reviews on security devices. His name is Lock Picking Lawyer and he showcases how secure real life locks are. In his video 1543 he reviewed a rather peculiar security feature on a lock from ABUS. Which is strengthening itself not by building some clever mechanism that is hard to bypass, but rather, uses law, to make bypassing it more illegal than it already is. They made the key-way ( and by extension the key ) to be shaped as the trademarked logo of the company. Therefor producing or distributing blanks for this lock would be a violation of the trademark law. Using proprietary software for security is doing the same mistake as trusting this lock by ABUS.

#freesoftware #userfreedom #malware #security #privacy #gnu #linux #opensource

[icon articles]EFF Is Not Opposing Age Verification Hard Enough



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 49 💬 0

I shall complain a little bit on a stance from EFF and how I think they should be pushing harder. Not so long ago Australia decided to ban any platform where users can upload things, to anybody who is younger than 16 years. This is an ageist, paternalistic atrocity and has to be fought with viciousness. Yet EFF seem to only understand the secondary problems with this law.

#EFF #Australia #Ageism #Paternalism #AgeVerification #SocialMedia #Privacy #Freedom

[icon articles]$500 Billion Industry That Causes Not Only The Loss Of Freedom But Also Increases Anxiety



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 626 💬 0

It is estimated that by 2030 the child-surveillance industry will grow to $500 billion. An industry that capitalizes on bogus fears and causes anxiety in parents and children ( for different reasons ). And an industry that is both directly and indirectly causing the privacy nightmare that we are experiencing. On many levels the industry itself is causing much more damage than good. Here is a short summary of the damages it is causing and how to deal with them.

#privacy #surveillance #freedom #philosophy #kids #letgrow #freerangekids #paternalism #MentalHealth

[icon articles]The Cult Of Safety


[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 162 💬 9

On GNU's website under "Malware", the page lists 19 types of malware. Each in one way or another hinders freedom of the user. Only one of those is "Surveillance". Yet the vast majority of Free Software advocacy focuses only and primarily just on Surveillance. It seems like we are losing our goal.

#Safety #Privacy #FreeSoftware #Philosophy #Freedom #Paternalism

[icon articles]Surveillance Harms 1000 Times More Than It Helps



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 326 💬 4

It is abhorrent to be living in times where political structures poised into existence on ideas of Liberty advocate for removal of essential Freedoms. United States and Europe both have their form of "chat control" currently being debated. And country leaders see in this total mass-stalking nothing but a tool to fight some, scary sounding form of possible oppression. They've convinced the public that they are right, so much that when we are trying to come up with a reason of why what they are doing is wrong, we fail even to start the train of thought. Their justification appears to be solid. It appears that there is nothing to do, but to shut up, agree and do nothing about it. Today I am about to shutter their arguments once and for all.

#Privacy #Law #Philosophy #Freedom #Math

[icon articles]Help Us Hack The Software Industry!!!



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 84 💬 2

To Free Windows we need to use GNU / Linux.

#FreeSoftware #UserFreedom #Privacy #GNU #Linux #OpenSource

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

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