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Queer ( 2024 ) is an Indiana Jones movie in a style of David Lynch

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

February 15, 2025

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#Queer #DanielCraig #LucaGuadagnino #Film #Review #Cinemastodon #LGBT #LGBTQ #DavidLynch #IndianaJones

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There is legend that Steven Spielberg tried to get a job directing a James Bond movie and was repeatedly denied it. A part of it was a very big influence for him to agree making Indiana Jones, because he saw in it an ability to make a sort of James Bond flick, even though with different characters, and more fantasy than sci-fi. Suddenly Luca Guadagnino decides to make a somewhat of an Indiana Jones picture, starring Daniel Craig, you know, James Bond. Is Luca trying to say something here?

Coming into a film called Queer I didn't except the movie to go where it went. It was not a romance drama film, which it was marketed as. It only started like one. If you like Guadagnino's Call Me By Your Name and except the same movie here. Don't. This is a completely different movie.

At first you have the normal Guadagnino. Good cringe moments. Sexual tension. Nice character drama. Suddenly the film turns into something like Nicolas Winding Refn with absurdist sexual dream sequences, and neon aesthetic. By the end of the film, it turns into a full on David Lynch movie. While in the middle the characters are going onto an Indiana Jones like adventure in the Jungle. Except this one is not directed by Spielberg. So it feels very strange and unique.

I really like some of the visual effects work on the movie. Especially the fat Jason Schwartzman. I have no idea how they pulled it off, but it was very convincing. Like, with mannerisms of a fat person and everything. Other VFX shots were equally impressive. Like some of the shots with cars were very fun to look at. I think they did those with miniatures. I might be wrong.

It seems like the movie is not about sex per se, but about addiction. Daniel Craig's character suffers from addiction to alcohol, drugs and to Drew Starkey's character. And he abuses all 3 of them. While all 3 of them pretend to be nice to him. But is it really true?

That's my thoughts on Queer.

Happy Hacking!!!
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[avatar]  Anonymous Guest c:0

Where is the audio version!

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:1

@Anonymous Guest Those reviews are usually written immediately after I watch a movie, and I don't put as much effort into them as the primary articles.

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[avatar]  Blender Dumbass c:1

... c:0
[avatar]  Anonymous Guest c:0

Where is the audio version!

@Anonymous Guest Those reviews are usually written immediately after I watch a movie, and I don't put as much effort into them as the primary articles.

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