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Wrath of Man is why I love Guy Ritchie

[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

January 21, 2025

👁 22

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#WrathOfMan #GuyRitchie #Film #Review #JasonStatham #JoshHartnett #Cinemastodon #Movies

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You can always trust that you will watch a good film when putting on anything by Guy Ritchie, apart from maybe that one movie we shall not talk about. His writing and directing skills are so solid and to the point that he constantly delivers films that are very nice.

Wrath of Man is one of such, very Guy Ritchie, very crime trillery, very Quentin Tarantino-inspired films. It has just enough cold detachment, just enough calculated precision and just enough artful pathos to make you feel the false-psychopathy of the main character played by Jason Statham.

The film invites you in as being one of those Statham hard dude action films. And then puts him in a situation with which Ritchie can squeeze out of him some truly Oscar-worthy work. Yes, the film is about how Statham is this cool motherfucker that has no emotions and that is very collected and stuff. And how he is so good at killing people that it is pretty much inspiring for the other people around him. But in the same time there is a very strong emotional core in this film.

The film has a non-linear structure, which unwraps very nicely. But it is Guy Ritchie so this kind of structure is pretty much expected from him at this point. The action scenes are clear, and Ritchie even inter-cuts them with planning scenes for maximum clarity. Though I would love to see a more unhinged approach. Maybe I watched way too much Michael Bay lately.

The cast and acting is good. There is a surprisingly nuanced performance of Josh Hartnett who you may know from Bay's Pearl Harbor. Okay... if not from Bay, then... from M. Night Shyamalan's Trap. He has a very interesting arc in the film.

There is a strangely homophobic undertone to the film. Like the gay jokes are just non stop in the first like few scenes. Though you may argue that it is the film's attempt at catering to the Liberals.

But then there are a few scenes that are designed almost entirely to cater to conservatives. I never thought about politics before when watching a Guy Ritchie film. Maybe I need to re-watch his filmography.

The film's villain is played by Scott Eastwood a son of Clint Eastwood who is famous for Dirty Harry a very controversially conservative film that some people argue is a Liberal film in disguise. Or maybe because Scott is playing a villain it is Ritchie telling us something else? I don't know.

Clint Eastwood also famously starred in and directed Space Cowboys which is an anti-ageism film. While Wrath of Man has a bit of ageism in it. Though from the other side, those scenes might have been read differently as just grieving of the main character. So I guess unless I watch this movie many many times, to dissect every little small thing about it, I might never know what Ritchie's intentions were.

Happy Hacking!!!

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