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[icon reviews]Revenge ( 2017 ) is a kind of movie Nicolas Winding Refn would masturbate to



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 76 💬 0

Obviously I watched Revenge because it was directed by Coralie Fargeat, the director of current world-wide phenomenon The Substance. Even though Revenge is her directorial debut, I didn't not think it would be a bad film going into it, based on what I know about The Substance. And my expectations were pretty much met exactly.

#Revenge #Revenge2017 #CoralieFargeat #MatildaLutz #NicolasWindingRefn #Film #Review #TheSubstance #Horror #Action #Movies #Cinemastodon

[icon reviews]Does Avatar ( 2009 ) Stands The Test Of Time?



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 28 💬 0

I was frankly scared to re-experience the original James Cameron picture Avatar after knowing for certain that it is much worse, technically speaking, in comparison to the second film in the franchise. Yet I was confident that the film at the very least should be good. So I took my worries aside and watched it again. Does it hold up? Well let's talk about it.

#Avatar #JamesCameron #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon #VFX #CGI

[icon reviews]Avatar: The Way of Water is a sublime experience



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 32 💬 0

I made myself review both Avatar movies in one day, which was something I had to do to see the progress, or lack thereof of James Cameron. And there is progress. A lot of it!

#Avatar #Avatar2 #AvatarTheWayOfWater #JamesCameron #Film #Review #Movies #Cinemastodon #VFX #CGI

[icon articles]Is Lars Von Trier Really an Edge Lord?



[avatar]  Blender Dumbass

👁 16 💬 0

There is a certain sense among cinephiles that the danish filmmaker Lars Von Trier is nothing but an edge lord, making his films simply as a sort of pornography designed to outrage people. It does not help his case that his films are some of the hardest films to watch. And it doesn't help that his movies tend to touch upon uncomfortable things in very uncomfortable ways. Yet I don't believe Lars Von Trier does any of that for laughs.

#LarsVonTrier #filmmaking #film #movies #cinema #cinemastodon #horror #philosophy

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