The Danger Of Good Intentions
Blender Dumbass
👁 48 💬 4
Paternalism - a world view that states that sometimes forcing a person against their freedom, if for their own good, is acceptable. A good example is the collapsing bridge thought experiment. A bridge is about to collapse and you know it for certain. You advertise this fact so people will not go onto the bridge. You put signs. You tell people about it. But somebody still walks toward the bridge with what looks like an intention to cross it anyway. You show that person the signs. No response. You yell at the person "The bridge is about to collapse!". No response either. You realize that the person probably doesn't even speak English. Is it okay to force this person, to reduce his freedom, and force him out of the bridge?
UPBGE - What is Depsgraph? And How to Optimize for Depsgraph?
Blender Dumbass
👁 61 💬 0
You see things like "Physics", "Logic" and even "
Rasterizer" and you immediately understand what you need to do to optimize you game. But "Depsgraph"?... It looks like a mysterious thing that nobody knows nothing about. Yet is it one the most problematic things there is in your game. And you are going mad just trying to figure it out.
#DanisRace #MoriasRace #Game #Gamedev #UPBGE #blender3d #animation #GTAClone #programming #python #project #performance #depsgraph
How The Fabelmans Traumatized Me
Blender Dumbass
👁 80 💬 1
I remember sitting at the entrance to a local cinema near me, shivering from a new kind of depression. I was waiting to enter the screening of
Avatar: The Way Of Water, which was released in cinema just after
The Fabelmans. The previous film I have seen in that very cinema, maybe already a week before that, was
The Fabelmans and that dreadful feeling I had was caused by that movie. I was committing an act of masochism going back to cinema right after the trauma I experienced, and I was pretty sure Avatar 2 would only make it worse. I didn't care. I went anyway. Thank god that
James Cameron decided to limit references to himself to a few nods to Titanic and stuff, and instead made a movie that is pretty much designed as a joyride. I don't know if I was alive today if Avatar 2 was anything like
The Fabelmans.
#TheFabelmans #Spielberg #StevenSpielberg #FilmReview #Film #Review #JuliaButters #FilmMaking #Cinemastodon #FreeSoftware #Depression #MentalHealth
The Inherent Instability Of Euphemisms
Blender Dumbass
👁 43 💬 0
Often it is required of a storyteller to say less in order to say more. Steven Spielberg had to censor the most gruesome parts of the holocaust in order to make a movie that was actually watchable, and his intuition was arguably right. The movie ended up being a hit, exposing millions upon millions of people to the the holocaust. But it wasn't the horror. It was a watered down version, made so people would not be too upset watching it. The reality of the situation was so much worse that Spielberg didn't even think a movie showing the actual truth was possible. Nobody would be brave or masochistic enough, he thought, to actually see it. A similar story happened to Dunkirk, another World War II movie, this time by Christopher Nolan, who deliberately avoided the worst aspects of a war film to make a film which the audience could watch without taking their eyes from the screen, and as a result, a film that is arguably scarier because of that. Nolan's masterful management of tension is so good that the movie doesn't need violence and blood to be visceral. And yet, to some extent the movie is a watered down version of what war supposed to be. And some argue it is a lesser film because of it.
How to Make a Blog Like Mine Using BDServer Software?
Blender Dumbass
👁 50 💬 1
I want to document the way you might have a possibility to use the same software to make a similar website.
@Madiator2011 already done that with Lets go over: where you get the code, how do you set it up, how do you publish, how do you manage accounts, and most importantly, how do you modify everything, so it will look like your own thing.
#blog #blogging #webdev #website #python #programming #BDServer
The Peach Scene
Blender Dumbass
👁 88 💬 0
It was one of those days when Mr. Humbert invited Sheiny and Chloe to watch a random movie in his dirty cinema. They avoided films shot in 16:9 aspect ratio since, well, Mr. Humbert's screen was an ultra-wide, curved CinemaScope. 16:9 films looked rather strange on this screen. But it seems like, this time, they were bored of the ultra-wide movies.
Copyright Made People Do Useless Work
Blender Dumbass
👁 26 💬 0
Oh the copyright! The system that many believe is there to "protect" artists from exploitation. But the system that is quite clearly one big exploitation in and of it self. I hope that my readers here have a job. Since I want to draw a very interesting parallel. Would you work if there was no contract? Would you do anything if the person that supposed pay you, would not pay you if he didn't want to? Or you would first sign a contract and then do the job? In the world of copyright, there is no contract to sign. There is no boss that will pay you. You have to risk everything to do something that might or might not interest other people in the first place. And no copyright will save you if you did something so utterly uninteresting that nobody will even pay you for it. Let's explore this!